King Arthur had announced …show more content…
his daughter was looking for a courtly lover until she was wed. Sir Henrin thought himself perfect for the part. He was fun, caring, and smart. Surely, the Princess would be dazzles by his smoky hair, and shouldering blue eyes, or so he hoped. Much like in the Knights Tale, Sir Henrin desires the courtly love of Princess Amethyst. This was one of the most chivalrous of acts for a Knight. To respect and protect a woman, which is exactly what Sir Henrin had planned to do once winning the Princess over.
The Knight was in line among many others of the kingdom. Many men had shown up to try and impress the Princess, and perhaps try to impress her father. He could hear the bitter grumblings of the few men in front of him as they were turned down. Not many Knights had shown up to win the Princess over, the few that had they were waiting more for the marriage of her to volunteer themselves. Of course, Sir Henrin had the goal of both parts, regardless of how unlikely it was.
As the Knight approached the dazzling Princes, she simply looked him over. He emerald toned eyes could see his suit of armor was rusted, dingy, and not much to begin with. A noise close to her laugh left her lips, and she waved her hand as if to dismiss him.
Disappointed he didn’t even get to speak to her highness, and as he heard another Knight get turned down he was already planning a way to win her over. He turned to the Princess, pushing another Knight as he made his way to the front.
“I will be back, fair maiden. I will be back to win over your affection, and grasp your attention,” Sir Henrin declared and moved to plan ways to do as he promised.
He was walking towards his horse, who’s coloring matched the own of his ashy hair, when he was stopped. His arm was yanked back by another knight, a stern look on their face. Sir Henrin knew this Knight.
This Knight was Sir Bueron of Calandese, another small town outside of his home of Camelot, who was accepted as mid-ranked Knight. The Knight was not wealthy; in fact he was as poor as Sir Henrin. The other Knight had a devilish grin on his face, and Sir Henrin was realizing he wasn’t going to be able to win the Princess over as easily as he had hoped.
“You think that a few dusty books is enough to win over the beautiful, shinning Princess Amethyst? You’re wrong, good sir. There are things that catch such a beautiful woman’s attention and those are the things I have. Though, I am a good man,” Sir Bueron stopped, taking off the helmet to properly intimidate Sir Henrin. “I challenge you to a duel, a joust in the forest, in two sunrises. The winner will kill the other, and the winner will have the opportunity to win over the attention of the Princess.”
Sir Henrin was shocked, for he had not even had the time to think of a marvelous gift to win the Princess over with. Still, the Knight had no reason to turn down the duel. He wanted the Princess and he knew that he was the one who would match up with her better than the other.
“You, good sir, have a deal. In two sunrises I will meet you in the forest full of thick evergreens and we will joust. The loser will meet his ending, and the winner will win over the Princess,” Sir Henrin agreed. The two Knights shook hands, and parted ways. Another chivalrous act had been made by Sir Henrin, much just like Sir Gawain, he had shown no fear for his enemy, and he did not say no to a duel. He was going to fight for his courtly love.
The idea of a joust sparked Sir Henrin’s imagination, and he mounted his horse, Chaplin, and headed out to the land of a nearby horse owner.
Sir Henrin couldn’t think of a better gift than a beautiful white horse for the Princess, and he knew just the man. Much like Don Quixote, he knew he’d need a squire, or a trusty side-kick. So, was on his way to do just that.
Sir Henrin rode for half a day’s light to see Jandir, a man who raised the most beautiful horses in the land. The legend was that Jandir only raised horses fit for a Knight, but every few years a horse worth the King or his family was born. Word of mouth reminded Sir Henrin that Jandir would have had birthed a pure white horse fit for a Queen, or a soon to be Queen.
Once the Knight had arrived, the short, Harry man greeted him clad full in a fisherman’s hat, and clunky rubber boots. “Hello, Sir Henrin. I heard about your duel,” He told him.
Sir Henrin dismounted his horse, and nodded to the man in front of him. “I come offering work and opportunity. You are a smart man, a strong man. I ask that you give me the white horse, and your advice on how to overcome Sir Bueron. In return I will pay to keep your farm and family up and …show more content…
This of course, was a lie. Sir Henrin could not, and did not plan to fulfill this promise. He did, plan to take the horse to the Princess and win her courtly love, and beat Sir Bueron in the duel.
Jandir looked thrilled by this offer. For he had to rid of the horse, and being paid for life for the horse would be better than any other payment. He nodded in agreement, motioning for Sir Henrin to follow him to the horse.
As hoped, the horse was beautiful, a perfect ice white, and a beautiful gift to give to the Princess. The squire began to explain to the Knight how he could defeat the other. Both of them had the same goal, for Sir Henrin to win the joust. The squire was under the idea he was winning the most of the situation, but that was not the truth.
Sir Henrin spent the rest of the time before the duel with his squire. Once it was time to leave, Henrin, Jandir, and the horse as white as snow made their way to the clearing. The journey was short, and full of words of both encouragement and planning.
Once they arrived, Sir Henrin armed himself. He knew that the moment Sir Bueron arrive the two would fight. A joust, riding their horses at full speed with their sharp spears pointed to kill. It wasn’t long until Sir Henrin spotted Sir Bueron.
With a press of his spurs into Chaplin’s sides, and the shrill of the horse’s war cry, he pointed his spear and rode the horse. Sir Henrin watched with eyes of bravery and courage as the same was coming in his direction. Sir Bueron in a full and more protective suit of armor, with a sharper spear coming at him at the fastest his horse could run.
But no Knight was to fear their fate, and no knight was to fear their fate. He rode his horse faster and stronger than Sir Bueron, and shoved the spear through his chest, whilst the one pointed at him did not even pierce him. Sir Henrin rounded his horse back to his enemy, giving him a courageous smile.
“It was a fair fight, good sir,” Sir Henrin added, giving the acknowledgement and thanks to his opponent.
He then reached for his enemy’s spear and threw it. The precision and strength would impress even the strongest of Knights. It struck and killed his squire, and from that moment Sir Henrin knew he has won. This was both wrong, and broke his Knights Code of Chivalry. He not only went back on his word, but he also had done the opposite of protecting the weak, he had killed his squire.
The Knight, who had broken the code, rode his horse leading the beautiful one for the Princess back into the Kingdom. His rusted suit of armor was splashed wish specks of blood. The second he arrived he told a tale of jousting for the love of the Princess, and he also told the tale that his opponent Sir Bueron was the one to kill his squire. He did not speak the truth, and he did not care for his squire’s family.
When he approached the Princess, the large horse in all its beauty in hand, he bowed to her. He had done something the most brave of Knights would do. He faced a duel for the love of a woman, but he lied along the way.
“Princess, dear Princess,” Sir Henrin smiled at her, the rather full smile turned into something more charismatic. “I fought to the death for you, dear Princess, and I have brought you the most glorious of gifts. Would you accept me to be your most courtly
The Princess, in return smiled, accepting both the horse and the love she was offered. From that day onward, the Princess and Sir Henrin were the most courtly of lovers. They’d read together, laugh together, dance together, and spend their days together as the best of friends.
Sir Henrin’s bravery was forever looked up upon, and he often defended King Arthur and his honor. When it came time for the King’s daughter to be wed, Sir Henrin had made a name for himself and was one of the wealthiest and most respected of Knights. He was the first asked to wed the Princess, and he accepted. From then on, Sir Henrin did exactly as he did the day of the duel. He manipulated, he made his own fate, and he loved the Princess endlessly.