Community policing is based on Peel's concept of prevention. Community policing has been embraced by many law enforcement organizations across our country. Community policing is based on its goal to prevent crime and promote better police-community partnerships. Community policing requires an investment in training with special attention to problem analysis and problem solving, facilitation, community organization; communication, mediation and conflict resolution, resource identification and use, networking and linkages, and cross-cultural competency. (Patterson )
Sir Robert Peel's first principle was that the "basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder". Peel established the police, also known as "Bobbies" . The introduction of "beats" were performed by Bobbies as a form of patrolling. Our law enforcement agencies still have police patrolling the streets with the goal of preventing crime. James Q. Wilson and George Kelling's wrote an article, "Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety" and called for a "return to the nineteenth-century style of policing in which police maintained a presence in the community by walking beats, getting to know citizens, and establishing the feeling of public safety and trust." (Siegel, 4th Ed.,) Wilson and Kelling asked Police administrators to get their officers out of depersonalized patrol cars and play an active role in the community by identifying the neighborhoods' problems and