Learning objectives:
AO1: respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations.
AO2: explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings.
Pre-reading Activity
Let’s focus on the word ‘sister’. Think of any fairy tales, films, books, celebrities, sports women, pop groups, songs or television programmes where there are two or more sisters, or use the word ‘sister’ in the title.
Make note of them in the space below.
How do sisters usually feel about each other? Think about people you know, as well as the sisters you noted on the previous page.
Use a thesaurus to help you find new and exciting vocabulary. Avoid tired and overused words such as ‘sad’, ‘happy’, ‘good’, ‘bad’ and ‘nice’.
Make a note of five words to describe how sisters usually feel about each other.
1 _________________________________________________________________________
2 _________________________________________________________________________
3 _________________________________________________________________________
4 _________________________________________________________________________
5 _________________________________________________________________________
Compare your list of words. Does your partner have any different words?
Take two minutes to discuss your reasons for choosing theses words.
Do you have a sister? Is she your best friend or archenemy? Why do you think that some sisters get on while others clash?
Make note of your ideas below. ___________________________________________________________________________