Obamas address to the nation is a very well developed speech with flowing thought and extremely critical and vital information being discussed. A subject that may trouble one is the actually effect of this speech. “Did it take wings” one might say or did it actually work or play out. Many issues were mentioned but was anything actually done upon these issues. A person can use as much inclining, ear catching words but if there is no action towards those words, then they are dead. “Actions speak louder than words.” President Obama brought up matters that the nation is struggling with correct, but what are the actions taken? Having experience in the ministry field and serving other people, I have learned one thing. A person has to role up your selves to get something done, meaning hard work. Political debates, big figureheads talking and not getting anything done will never solve any real problems. Barack Obama said, “We are not addressing the real issues” (Obama, 2008) and I am in accord with him. The real issues are actions not…