Situational Awareness is the ability to identify, process, and comprehend …show more content…
Amos was a hindrance to the equality of men and women who wanted to serve in their nation’s military and be allowed the opportunity to put their life on the line just the same as anyone else. Major General Amos is still in command of the United States Marine Corps and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He states that, “He had no regrets about publicly opposing repeal during wartime. He had felt obliged, as commandant of the Corps, to set aside his personal opinions and represent the views of the 56 percent of combat Marines who said in a Defense Department survey last year that repeal could make them less effective and cohesive in combat.” He did as he thought was best trying to make sure the morale of his men was not affected by this possible change and stain the legacy of the Marine Corps. However he has seen that the change was not as bad as he was expecting. The equality movement did not tarnish the legacy of the Marine Corps like the Major General and his followers …show more content…
These agents as the front line of the company hear of any issue about a store experience or issue before most of corporate has. These issues can be of anything from a lawsuit to a program such as the Teacher Appreciation not working correctly. The quick decisions made by these front line agents enables the company to be forward thinking and react to situations that could be blown out of proportion. Situations such as when Dollar General runs an advertisement for any size any quantity are these agents worst nightmares since they have to stand behind the company without recognition for the work they do. However without these agents being able to adapt to current trending issue the company could have a lot greater issues to