Safe: Avoid injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them.
Effective: Match care to science; avoid overuse of ineffective care and underuse of effective care.
Healthcare management with a focus on developing high standards of practice, evaluating patient care for…
The National Quality Strategy promotes quality health care in which the needs of patients, families, and communities guide the actions of all those who deliver and pay for care. This report incorporates the evidence-based results of the latest research and scientific advances in clinical medicine, public health, and health care delivery.…
Quality improvement (QI) consists of systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups ("Quality improvement," 2011). At the Bon Secours Health System in Hampton Roads, Virginia, the organization has identified potential areas of needed improvement. Each area identified as needing improvement will potentially have a financial consideration and will increase patient satisfaction. Staff, internal systems and functions will also be touched by the quality improvement…
Clinical quality standards should be developed through a bottom-up approach, in collaboration with the Federal Government, health care professionals and public health and social care practitioners, accrediting societies, medical societies and boards, insurers, and service users. However, it’s important to recognize that the vexing problems of quality care and cost-effectiveness in the U.S. health care system are unlikely to get resolved without the leadership from the Federal Government. Ideally, leadership would naturally surface from within the industry to lead the development of quality care standards, but the fragmented health care…
Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Institute of Medicine.…
Institute of Medicine (IOM) proclaims that the system is in need of “fundamental change” and that “patients, doctors, nurses, and health care leaders are concerned that the care delivered is not, essentially, the care we should receive.…
Applying individual standards to health care can be problematic because one person's standards may not be acceptable to others. One way of addressing this potential discrepancy is by establishing a framework within which care should be delivered. This framework can range from high-level statements, such as a vision and mission statement, to detailed guidelines, procedures and protocols for delivering specific services (to be discussed in Part 6: Delivering quality…
Management’s role in establishing goals in the public health sector is limited. Given the official goal are well defined and established public health management is often left to work within the limitation of the HHS official goals. Operational goals do allow for management to support the official goals, though individual views on how these goals should be accomplish can cause disagreement among administrators.…
Innovative ways that a group or organization can go beyond what they do today to pursue the triple aim is to apply analytics to help improve performance. Healthcare providers typically use analytics to help with the financial part of an organization. Triple Aim is an assessment tool that is divided into three areas. The areas are population health, experience of care, per capital cost. Analytics is an area of which recorded information is used to describe patterns in data, statistics, and operations to understand or explain performance. To accomplish Triple Aim, healthcare organizations must review performance levels from the past/present and then implement new ways to improve their performance. Since an organization needs to be operating at…
Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the twenty-first century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.…
There are some adjustments that need to be made in order for healthcare in this country to be more affordable and effective. One thing is to consider the time verses quality concept which is where the doctors see more given patients within a day and save time…
To improve health services, governments and other key organizations use quality indicators.3,4 These indicators improve…
Some things to consider when trying to offer quality care from the health care facilities point of view, includes: ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, following standards of care, ensuring staff and processes are necessary and effective, continuous training, developing and analyzing systems and processes within the company, minimizing unnecessary waste, resources, and processes. There are many “performance and core quality measures”, programs that may be implemented and once a program is started,…
References: Davis, K., Schoen, C., Shea, K., & Haran, C. (2008). Aiming High for the U.S. Health System: A…
Stakeholders increasingly expect their healthcare providers to be involved with programs for quality improvement. The purpose of this paper is to discuss my organization’s quality program goals, how the quality management is structured, and who holds responsibility for the organization. This paper will also discuss how my facility selected improvement projects as well as quality methodology, tools and techniques for project management. Furthermore I will include nursing’s role, communication, and education in these processes. Lastly, I will discuss the facility’s evaluation of quality improvement processes on patient outcomes.…