"[It has] A broadly agreed set of common public goals, [It has] mechanisms of intercommunication among its members (such as newsletters or journals), [It] utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims. [It] uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback, In addition to owning genres, [it] has acquired some specific lexis. [It has] a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise. (Johns, 321)."
Considering these characteristics, discourse communities are perceived as an assortment group of diverse individuals who share "genres, language, values, concepts, and "ways of being" (Johns, 322)." In order to fully understand how discourse communities use language to function and accomplish their purposes and goals, I researched and studied the Muslim Community. …show more content…
Also, it not only meets Swales's criteria of a discourse community but I get to learn how language is incorporated in the way we do things.. For instance, one of the six defining characteristics is that the group share an agreed upon set of goals. Although there are many goals, this communities' main goals are to expand the faith and beliefs of Islam among its believers while obtaining good morals and being closer to