This write-up was developed to help prepare students to take the Six Sigma certification exam.
Read VERY carefully the ExpertRating study guide that is posted on moodle. This study guide is also available through the ExpertRating website once you have registered for the certification exam. It is under the “Read the Courseware” option when you log-in. I have posted a PDF of study guide on moodle that is much easier to review and study. If you have access to a printer, I would recommend you print the study guide- however it is 147 pages. The exam questions come from the study guide and exam is open book. We have covered most of the material in the bus 328 class and lab. The exam questions and answers use the specific wording in the study guide. The key to doing well is knowing where in the study guide to look for help when the answer may not be obvious. Unfortunately, the study guide does not provide an index where you can easily look up a topic by word or phrase.
To help prepare you for the exam, I have listed below a listing of topic and included the relevant pages in the study guide.
However, because the exam is timed for 75 minutes for 60 questions, you will not have time to look up every question in the study guide. Therefore, studying and understanding the material in the study guide is very important. My recommendation is to read the study guide and when you come to a word or phrase below, write or type the definition on to this “index”. This will reinforce the learning that comes from reading the material.
What is Six Sigma? P4
Six Sigma is a process based methodology for pursuing continuous improvement. Companies use this methodology to reduce defects in their processes.
- What does this stand for and what is it used to measure? P4
Sigma, σ, is the Greek letter used to measure the variability in the process. Six Sigma stands for Six Standard Deviations from mean. Standard Deviation is a