We have heard about two and four stroke engines. Two stroke engines got its name from the fact that the required strokes are completed in one revolution. In short there is one power stroke in one revolution. In the case of four stroke engines the four strokes are completed in two revolutions, or there is a power stroke in two revolutions. Then how about a six stroke engine. The name of the engine has nothing to do with the number of revolutions or anything of that sort. This engine got its name due to its construction. A six stroke engine derived its name from the fact that it is a mixture of two and four stroke engine. This engine is a radical hybridization of two and four stroke engines. This engine combines the top portion of two stroke engine and the bottom rather the middle section of a four stroke engine.
These types of engines have many advantages compared to OHC four stroke engines. They are as follows
1) Increased torque and power output
2) Better fuel economy
3) Cleaner burning with reduced emission
4) Longer service intervals
5) Reduced tooling costs Six stoke engines were developed in the year 1998 by Malcolm Beare. This technology is under going tremendous research works for improving the six stroke or Beare technology as it is popularly known. This type of engine is not commonly available because of two main reasons
1. This technology is patented by Ducati
2. Research works are going on for improvement of this technology
Construction and Working
The six stroke engine basically works just like a four stroke engine. The major difference is in the construction. The major drawbacks of conventional engines were poppet valves, its basic problems being and - inertia, inhibiting flow especially the exhaust valve hot-spot in the combustion chamber. So a six stroke engine was simplified with the objective of improving efficiency and increasing performance compared to a conventional engine by overcoming the drawbacks of poppet