This reading is based on field-work in the United States on the streets in New York City as well as Atlanta. Claire Sterk is an anthropologist who works in a school of public health and is primarily interested in issues of women's health, it relates to sexual behavior and to prevent sexual transmitted diseases. She describes the basic fieldwork methods she used to study these women and their communities. Like most cultural anthropologists, Sterk's primary goal was to describe the life of prostitution from the women's own point of view. To do this, she had to be patient, brave, sympathetic, trustworthy, curious, and non-judgmental. Fieldwork is a slow process, because it takes time to win people's confidence and to learn their language and way…
Patty Kelly, “ Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution’ depicts the compelling, entertaining and mind captivating skills this well-known writer and professor in anthropology captures her audience. However, the essay fails to justify its thesis that prostitution should be decriminalized in so many ways. Firstly, she shouldn’t base her argument on the findings done on this particular social environment as the focus is too narrow to offer all needed information for an unbiased conclusion.…
People take an interest on different subjects, in the case of Claire Sterk her article “Tricking and Tipping: Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of Aids” is about the lives of prostitutes from the prostitutes view points. Topics include how they introduced themselves to the world of sex in exchange for money or drugs, the violence and abuse they encounter during work, and how many of the prostitutes managed to conclude that way of life. Sterk began her research due to her interest in women’s health, in particular relating to sexual behavior. As an anthropologist Sterk enjoyed doing research, although she mentions numerous times the difficulties and dangers she faced during her research involving not only prostitutes, but also pimps and crack house owners and managers. “One of my scariest experience occurred before I knew to work through pimps, and one such man had some of his friends follow me on my way home one night” ”I fortunately was able to escape with only a few bruises”.…
Lydia’s Open Door by American Anthropologist Patty Kelly is an intriguing case study about both the hidden and not so hidden aspects of sex work in Chiapas, Mexico. Her book proves the usefulness of ethnographic works where she engages with unconventional ways of knowing in order to determine the complex relationships that help to reproduce gender inequality. Lydia’s Open Door contextualizes prostitution within a political and economic framework revealing how it is impossible to diagnose one without the others. She uses both macro and micro-analysis to deconstruct the variability in how prostitution is practiced, regulated and perceived through space and time. Throughout her ethnography she discusses how globalization and neoliberalism changed the economic climate of Mexico and in turn transformed prostitution into an issue of social hygiene as well as a modern form of exploitation. The retelling of the diverse personal experiences of sex workers in the Zona Galactica, a state regulated brothel, aids in her exploration of how prostitution is constantly being shaped and reshaped by politics, economy, and culture. Through her ethnography it is made clear that explaining prostitution, gender relations, and structural violence is inadequate without deconstructing the complex relationships created by lingering manifestations of repression, violence, and government policy in this region. In this review of Lydia’s Open Door I will first discuss Kelly’s effectiveness in conceptualizing state regulated prostitution as a by-product of neo-liberalism. I will then illustrate the potency of her argument in which she contends that the government regulation of prostitution serves the purpose of further controlling an already marginalized population. Finally I will discuss her strength in advocating for the decriminalization of prostitution all while maintaining a feminist standpoint.…
A Critical Summary Analysis of “Reframing Prostitution as work” by Deborah Brock and “Prostitution in Vancouver: Pimping women and the colonization of First Nations” by Melissa Farley and Jacqueline Lynn…
How to understand and deal with prostitution is the issue expressed in “Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution” by Patty Kelly. The thesis of this essay is that criminalizing prostitution is not eliminating the issue but causing more of them. Prostitution is becoming so familiar that we need to decriminalize it because it is not going away anytime in our lifetime or the next. This is shown by the fact that in 2005 eighty-four thousand people were imprisoned for prostitution or prostitution-related offenses. Patty Kelly pleads that where it has been legalized people are more satisfied with their jobs and are more often there voluntarily instead of being forced to be there. This is supported by the fact that out of one hundred…
This essay focuses mainly on street prostitution in Canada, and on women, who represent the majority (75%) of prostitute workers. It mainly attempts to describe prostitution, its social, health and safety consequences. Is prostitution a problem itself, or is it part of a bigger problem?…
The article Tricking and Tripping by Sterk was an interesting article about prostitution. I found it interesting because she was actually integrating herself into prostitution without actually prostituting and how some of the prostitutes accepted and befriended her, and one pimp was actually nice and had her back. When Sterk said, “I’m sorry for you,” to one of the prostitutes, she got offended thinking that Sterk meant she felt sorry for the prostitute because she was a failure when Sterk really meant she was genuinely concerned for the prostitute. I think fieldwork would be an extremely difficult job because you have to actually go out and basically get your hands dirty and put your life in dangerous situations. Sterk had to deal with most of the things that prostitutes had to like pimps, crack-heads, other prostitutes, rude costumers, and weather along with barely an access to a restroom. I think that the fact that Sterk grew up in Amsterdam, where prostitution is legal, didn’t affect her research because even though she grew up where it was legal she was doing research where it wasn’t. On the other hand, I could see how it may have affected her research and maybe even started her interest in it because if prostitution was legal, then she would probably see more STD infected women therefore, making her more interested in why women are risking their lives for money. I think all the themes that she listed were important but two that really stuck out to me were themes one and six. Theme one is basically what got the prostitute to decide to enter the business and theme six is how she…
That sexual services are motivated by economic gains and theorists view that sex trade a analogous to any other contract to that each part attempted to gain the best deal. That sex trade is like any other business transactions. “Where the state has the same interest in prostitution as it has in any other contract, and may regulate it accordingly” (Beran, 2012 p.32). For example that the state regulate restaurants in promoting safe cooking, hygiene, and advertisement, that the state should do the same in sex industry.…
Early 20th Century Vancouver was home to 40 female-run brothels , and police were concerned with eliminating street prostitution . This signified a control and toleration of sex work. Following the 1940’s, society viewed prostitutes as disease spreaders, causing sex workers to be removed from brothels, forced off the streets, fined, charged as criminals, and occasionally jailed . The closure of brothels continued rapidly in to the 1980’s . The perspective shift from society regarding prostitution caused a large shift in the momentum of prostitution. Women were forced on to the streets, with no place to go; their livelihoods were removed from them, and they were not only open public harassment, but to preying men and sexual predators due to the fact they were forced to take their previously safe work to the streets. According to today’s society, because one does not fit into a specific career class, they are not worthy of basic human rights. It is a completely inaccurate presumption that most people believe that prostitutes choose these lives, and so it is not their concern to attempt to help these…
In her expository essay, “Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution,” Patty Kelly debates the controversial issue of the legalization of prostitution. Discussing her research of the involvement of American male adults in prostitution, Kelly successfully quotes the large number of males who are involved in paid sex services. She also uncovers the reasons sex workers are in this specific field which are: after leaving a distressful marriage, a disturbing pre-marital relationship, financial catastrophe, etc. It gives women the choice to work make their own hours and set their own rates and gives them the flexibility to decide the acts they will perform, which can be different for each individual. She sheds light on the behaviors of male customers as well, such as the willingness to pay more for unprotected sex and how they can be violent towards sex workers. Moreover, she pinpoints the law of different lands and states for prostitution to uncover the realistic approach to provide legal rights to sex trade workers. However, she discourages most of the laws due to their inability to provide protection to women, but she highly appreciates New Zealand’s 2003 Prostitution Reform Act which is based on core human values to live in a safe environment as well, it gives protection to sex workers. The law not only decriminalized prostitution, but it put firm rules in place to insure safe sexual activities and bind all the people and organizations involved in such business to be equally responsible for minimizing the risks of STD transmission. In the end, Kelly’s essay urges that more protection for prostitutes and their customers be put in place so that sex workers and the men who use their services can be safe, and work in a respectful…
The current state of our U.S. economy is poor. The unemployment rate is sitting at a high 8%, and families are struggling to support themselves. With our country in this great deficit, we are in need of a new, thriving industry to create new revenue for the federal government.…
The term prostitution refers to any situation in which one person pays another for sexual satisfaction or pleasure. In recent discussion of prostitution, a controversial issue has been whether prostitution should be legal or not. Prostitution is the oldest profession existing in the world; it is rapidly growing with or without the government help. After all these year’s prostitution is still looked at as dirty or nasty, many people do not want to face the fact that prostitution exist. However, the prostitutes’ rights movement, begin in the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s. As we know during that timeframe the perspective of women viewed in society was based on gender roles. Women were to stay at home and take care of the kids and house. During…
Janice G. Raymond states that, “In an interview of one hundred and forty six victims of trafficking in five counties, eighty percent of the women interviewed have suffered physical violence from pimps and buyers and endured similar and multiple health effects from the violence and sexual exposure.” Many argue that legalizing prostitution will not be able to reverse the effects of these dangers (Raymond, 2004). These dangers can, and already have been improved in other parts of the world. For example Germany, New Zealand, and Nevada have already made efforts to improve the stigma against the industry. Lifes have been and are still put into danger today because of this negative industry. Although many have already been affected, by legalizing prostitution, the safety of those involved in the industry will be taken more…
Prostitution much like any other moral debate is filled with numerous aspects in which everyone has their particular view on. People attack prostitution from all sides, and then others support it claiming that it has benefits or that what someone does with their life is of “no concern to me”. So in the wake of this discussion I decided to compare and contrast how a utilitarian and a Kantian might approach or type of moral conclusion they may have of prostitution.…