The area a child grows up in has an effect, for example if a child is brought up on a council estate in poor housing they are more likely to have health problems. If parents are not working or have low income jobs they are likely to buy cheaper food and usually this means lower quality which can lead to health problems. Children and their families may have lower expectations. They might settle for the life that id mapped out. If a child lives in high rise flats or appartments they have less oppportunities to play. In poor quality housing there may not be a garden or safe playing area. This is reducing the childs opportunities to develop their physical gross motor skills. This of course is not always the case and there are many ways that we can tackle these issues and help to improve the chances and opportunities children have who live in poverty. However, if a lack of nourishing food is a problem due to severe poverty, this can severly damage a childs physical and mental well being. This can have a knock on effect in the sense that they become listless and withdrawn from having no energy, meaning they find it hard to take part in learning activities and won't have the benefit of developing their learning further. If there is a strained parental relationship due to money worries a child will undoubtedly be affect by this also. Poverty can affect children adversley in many ways and it's important that they get what they are missing at home when they go to pre-school/nursery.…
I show this in my third essay “Penniless Kids” by using sources to show that poverty affects kids by making them more prone to child abuse, physical and mental health problems, and being behind in school. Examples of some of the scholarly sources…
Whether people live in poverty or if they are in a well financial home, this can have an impact on children 's development for a numerous of reasons.…
1) Background of a child / young people can be effecting the development if there is a lack of financial income in a family. This can be stressful for all involved including the child/ young people. They can notice the sadness and incapability of what their parents are able to afford. Such as good educational means e.g. computer, fieldtrips, additional learning books etc.…
Can growing up in poverty affect a child? In the article “Effects of poverty”... , by the American psychological association they explain and give different ways kids are affected when they are living in poverty. In the novel House on mango street by sandra cisneros, it talks about characters like alicia,lois,and sally that all live in poverty. Growing up in poverty will affect a child negatively because they won’t have the money to play sports or for school supplies, another reason is they may not behave and might get into trouble, the final reason is they can get depressed and mad.…
Poverty and deprivation - this can cause stress for families, worries about having food to eat, clothes to wear, etc this can affect there mental and physical health, but also there self esteem, and respect in there self. It's shown statically that children from poorer background tend to perform less than a child from a better background, for example a…
Experiencing poverty does not only affect children and young people in the immediate term but also goes onto affect them into adulthood, in other words children and young people do not adapt to this living environment. Poverty shows its damage to Children or young people in different outcomes such as Education & Health.…
poverty – affects children in many ways: poor diet affects growth, behaviour and development; poor housing – health and play opportunities; education – lack of opportunities; poverty leads to low expectation and lack of…
1. In what ways can low income and/or poverty affect children’s development? Low income and/or poverty have been associated with higher incidences of negative psychological, physical and academic consequences (though not applicable to every low SES child). Here are a few that show a positive correlation between low SES and the variables mentioned below.…
Secondly, the impact on poverty can have negative effects on a child’s life in health. Professor Robert Bradley says studies have demonstrated that poverty is associated with higher rates of poor health and chronic health conditions in children. When children experience poverty it not only affect them when they are young, it effects them in adulthood as well. Data from the national longitudinal survey of children and youth, children living in low-income families are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems than other children. Statistics show that poor children are at risk for low birth weight, asthma, anemia, stunted growth and other health complications compared to non-poor children. Low birth weight shows most in babies from…
Explain the critical importance of poverty in affecting outcomes and life chances It is a recognised fact that poverty has a detrimental impact on many areas of a young person’s life. As a child, growing up in an impoverished family, many opportunities for development and growth will be unobtainable. The educational performance of children is affected by financial status.…
Low income children are less likely to be financially successful as adults if they live in neighbourhoods and attend schools with other low income children.…
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the effects of child poverty in the United States. The…
This is a research paper that tries to answer questions about school drop outs due to higher minimum wages. This paper tries to answer questions like; do higher minimum wages cause high school drop outs among different students in various continents? Other questions include: does real income cause high school dropouts?, do the unemployment rates in the country cause dropouts of high school students?, how do teenage pregnancy rates cause high school dropouts? And how does education attainment among adults cause high school dropouts? These questions have a main goal; to find out the cause of high dropout cases among high school students (Crofton, Anderson, Rawe, 2009). This research was carried out to find out the effects of high minimum wages in the society. High school drop outs have been rampant in various continents and this calls for an action to be taken to come up with the causes of the dropouts and hence the research.…
Thesis Statement: Increasing dropouts connected with financial situation of student and not appropriate education system, in this way the responsibility should be laid on the government and administrator of educational system.…