In the beginning of the year, Jon Stone and I would walk around the school before first period would start. Along the way we would stop in to Mrs. Kerkezis’ room and say good morning. We would also stop to talk to friends along the way. Our final stop was the gym where we would watch the morning Intramurals. Some new friends I met this year were Jayden, Kyler, Ben, Bryce, Femi, Chase, Will, Brandon, Billy, James and Gavin. Some friends this year I grew to know better were McLean, Connor, Henry, and Myles. …show more content…
After school, the P.E. teachers hosted Intramurals. They would do football, basketball, lacrosse and dodgeball. My P.E. teachers were coaches Mante and Ierlan. I had P.E. fifth period directly after lunch. The sports we did in P.E. were football, lacrosse, bmx, archery, ultimate frisbee, basketball, the fitnessgram, workout center, rock climbing, floor hockey and sometimes kickball. My favorite sport was ultimate frisbee. After every subject, the P.E. teachers would give us a quiz. At the beginning of archery, we had to take a test and get the answers almost word for word from the study guide that the teachers gave