Speech 101
Topic: Ska Music
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To let the audience know what the genre ska is and not only is it a type of music but a lifestyle.
I. Attention Getter: I bet most of you in this room haven’t heard about ska.
II. Credibility Statement: As a big fan of ska, I would like to take you through and talk to you about what it is.
III. Thesis Statement: Ska is a genre that is not very well known anymore.
IV. Preview: Today I would like to discuss the history of ska, what it stands for, and how it is a lifestyle.
I. The history of ska began in Jamaica in the late 1950s. A. Ska music is a combination of many genres such as rocksteady, reggae, American jazz, …show more content…
After WWII, Jamaicans who were lucky enough to own a radio would hear rythym and blues such as artists like Fats Domino and became influenced. 2. After this Jamaican artists began to record their own versions of these genres. 3. To meet the demand of this music, entrepenuers, formed sound systems. a. Sound systems were a group of Djs, engineers, and MCs who played ska, rocksteady, or reggae music. B. Ska is very well known for its walking bass with its upbeat rythyms. So instead of strumming the guitar regularly, you do a up stroke also known as “skank” 1. There is a theory to where the name ska came from and it is that one of the early producers of ska, Ernest Ranglin, told the guitarist to play “like skat skat skat” 2. The typical instruments in a ska band are: guitar, bass guitar, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, piano, drums, and organ.
(Transition: Now that you have an idea about what traditional ska is let me introduce you to its three generations also known as “waves”.)
II. So there were three waves of ska: the traditional ska, Two tone ska, and the third wave was American Ska. A. Two tone ska was created in England in the …show more content…
The third wave ska refers to American ska bands that were mostly influenced by two tone ska rather than traditional ska. 1. In the early to mid-1990s, third-wave ska saw a major growth in popularity, with many bands having several chart-topping hits. 2. Among the most popular bands of third-wave ska would be: The Toasters, Operation Ivy, No Doubt, Save Ferris, Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake, and of course Sublime.
(Transition: Not only is ska a genre of music I also consider it a type of lifestyle.)
III. Ska itself as a genre is very unique but as a lifestyle it seems a little more incomparable. A. The “Rude Boy” style is mostly American gangster wear such as, sharp suits, thin ties, and pork pie or trilby hats. 1. In Jamaica in the 1960s this term was used to describe juvenile delinquents, such as dance hall crashers that would go and disrupt the sound systems of local competitors. B. The style of skinheads was a sub-culture originated among the working class youth in the United Kingdom in the 1960s and spread to other parts of the world. 1. Originally the skinhead sub-culture was based on rude boys and british music and lifestyle, however attitudes towards race and politics became factors which skinheads