Hunts Library, North Carolina State University, U.S.
Year-end report 2012 Y d t
− R Revenue growth i C th in Construction t ti − Earnings in Construction at the same level as 2011 including writewrite downs in Latin America − Construction Norway and Finland y back on track − Profitable divestments in CD and ID − Strong cash flow in the last quarter − Good outlook and strong position in the U.S. − Unchanged dividend SEK 6.00 (6.00) (6 00) per share
Green Towers, Wrocław, Poland
2 February 7, 2013 Skanska Year-end Report 2012
Construction C t ti
− Revenue SEK 124.5 bn (115.0) − Operating income in Construction SEK 3.5 bn (3.5) − Project write-downs in Latin America of SEK 860 M − Strong development of free working capital in Q4 − Order bookings SEK 120.1 bn (123.6), − U.S. market strong
Norra Länken (The Northern Link), Stockholm
3 February 7, 2013 Skanska Year-end Report 2012
New orders i N d in Construction in Q4
SEK M − Maintenance, U.K: 2,100 (8,600 in total) − Highway U K : 1 680 Highway, U.K.: 1,680 − Building, U.S.: 1,400 − H Hospital, U S 1 000 it l U.S.: 1,000 − Transfer facility, U.S.: 990 − Shopping center, Finland: 960
M 25, UK
4 February 7, 2013 Skanska Year-end Report 2012
Residential R id ti l Development
− Revenue SEK 8.7 bn (8.6)
− 3,060 (3,193) homes sold − 2,993 (3,630) homes started
− Operating income SEK -114 M (345)
− Q4 SEK 128 M (87)
− Restructuring process of the Nordics
− Organization in place − Enhanced efficiency of production and land bank
Park Ostrobramska, Poland
5 February 7, 2013 Skanska Year-end Report 2012
Commercial P C i l Property t Development
− Divestments of SEK 6.3 bn (5.0)
− Divestments of SEK 3.0 bn in Q4
− Income from divestments SEK 1.7 1 7 bn (1 3) (1.3) − 13 project starts
− 4 project starts in Q4
− 25 ongoing projects Jan 1, 2013
− SEK 8.1 bn in investment value − 61% pre-leasing rate
− 230,000 sq. m leased in 2012
− 65,000 sq. m