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Yet, they believe that, we don’t find anything outside the New Testament that supports the texts, which tells us that the New Testament could be completely of legend. First off, the majority of claims made ancient manuscript documents aren’t corroborated and backed up by similar documents, simply because almost all of what was written in ancient times has withered or decayed away. However, if you do a little bit of digging you will see that there is quite a bit of corroborating evidence for the Gospels. Let’s take a look at Tacitus for an example. Cornelius Tacitus was proconsul of Asia for two years and authored two works that survive today only in portions. The Annals was his second work and consisted of 16 volumes in which he rather meticulously covers Roman history from Augustus through Nero. The portion of the Annals that is of interest to us was most likely written around 115 CE. The passage comes in the context of a discussion of the great fire of Rome under Nero’s reign. Here Tacitus reports that the burning of Rome was in fact the doing of Nero trying to punish a group called the “Christians” who’s leader was punished fully by Pontius Pilate. These historically backed up facts, confirm that the Gospels report of what happened to Jesus during the execution indeed happened while Tiberius was reigning. Therefor we can say for certain that there is plenty of corroborating evidence that lines up with Jesus’