When graduating one may not be able to receive their “dream job”. Evidence: In “Is College worth it?” by Dr. William Burnett gives us statistics about graduate employment rate. Recent date from the Census Bureau and department of labor found that 54% of recent graduate are either unemployed or dramatically underemployed (1). ECU graduate Tianna Coleman graduated in January of 2012 with a public health degree. After graduating Ms. Coleman expected for doors to open for her to use her earned degree. Unfortunately Ms. Coleman was unemployed for almost a year eventually she got a job as a Home Healthcare assistant. “I thought that maybe a health degree would guarantee me a successful future, but I was wrong. My degree didn’t mean a lot with graduate school” Tianna stated (Coleman ). Students put in so much time in college working hard for their dream job and end up struggle as a high school graduate. 4 year college degree’s aren’t as valuable as they were in the past. In Dr. Bennett’s book it states that by the year 2018 there will be 14 million jobs available, well-paying jobs, which will require more than a high school diploma but less than a college diploma. Right now, a graduate of a community college, which is a two-year college, on average, makes more than a graduate of a four-year college. My uncle Keith Kerwin is now a radiologist in New Bern…