TOPIC: Prejudice
Theme: The emotional and physical effect of skin bleaching among Jamaican Youths.
Name: Suzanne Coke
School: Immaculate Conception High School
Centre Number: 100051
Candidate Number:
Teacher: Mr. Ocnacuwenga
Territory: Jamaica
Date: May 2011
This paper discusses the emotional, psychological and physical effects of skin bleaching among the youths of Jamaica. It highlights if there is any lack of knowledge on the effects it may have on them. According to the Webster Encyclopedia Dictionary of the English Language, International Edition (1971),..To bleach is to make white by taking out colour by exposure to the action of chemical preparation. According to Dahlia McDaniel, a Pharmacists and final year doctorial candidate in public health at the University of London stated in the Gleaner, November 11, 2009…. “Skin bleachers” are having an ethnic identity crisis.
The theme ‘prejudice’ sparked my interest because I have observed that older people of the nation are skin bleaching as if it were a fad, recently I have seen more of the young people picking up the habit of bleaching their skins without knowing the great effects it may have on them in their future, therefore I have decide to further my study on the topic “the emotional, psychological and physical effects of skin bleaching among the youths of Jamaica.”
Immaculate Conception High School and Ardenne High School will be investigated for prejudicial patterns and whether this has led to the reproduction of Skin Bleaching among the youths of Jamaica.
The Immaculate Conception High School was founded in 1858 and is considered one of Jamaica’s traditional high schools. The campus is located in Constant Spring, St. Andrew. The Ardenne High School was founded in 1962 and also considered one of Jamaica’s traditional high schools. The