Since the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade, captured Africans thought and plotted of ways to resist their bondage. After landing in America enslaved Africans resisted slavery in many forms; some of these were passive while others were more outright and violent. This essay will discuss forms of resistance used by slaves during their journey to America, as well as common forms of resistance slaves used while living on plantations. These forms of resistance were running away, slave revolts, and subtle day to day resistance. Regardless of the form of resistance used, slaves were not content living a life of bondage and used all means available to resist no matter the consequence.
The transition into a life of slavery was devastating for Africans. Captured and removed from their home land many resorted to drastic measures to escape their forced bondage. During the horrific middle passage there have been many accounts of slave revolts onboard ships. An account given by English slave trader William Snelgrave, he describes a mutiny in 1704 in which slaves onboard the Eagle Gallery of London attempted to take over the ship. The revolt was not successful and the two chief leaders jumped to their death rather than be caught and forced back into bondage. This account proves that Africans did not sit idly by and accept being put into slavery.
Slave traders know that there was always the possibility of a slave mutiny onboard their ships; they went to great measures to reduce this possibility. “Most “slavers” had a high barricade across the middle of the main deck, used to keep the captive women and children separated from the men and to serve as a fortification behind which the crew could defend themselves in the event of a slave insurrection.” The most dangerous time for a slave trader was before the ship was being anchored close to shore. The crew would often be occupied loading supplies on and off of the ship not paying close enough attention to
Bibliography: 1. Holt, Thomas, C., and Elsa B. Brown. Major Problems in African American History, Volume I: From Slavery to Freedom, 1619-1877. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. 2. Kelley, Robin, D.G., Lewis, Earl. To Make Our World Anew Volume 1: A History of African Americans to 1880. New York: Oxford Univiersity Press, 2000. 3. Raboteau, Albert J. Slave Religion: The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 4. Wallach, Jennifer. "African American History to 1877." Denton: Univiersity of North Texas, 2011. 5. Wright, Donald R. African Americans in the Colonial Era: From African Orgins through the American Revolution. Illinois: Harlan Davidson, 2010. [ 3 ]. Donald R. Wright, African Americans in the Colonial Era, From African Origins through the American Revolution, (Illinois: Harlan Davidson, 2010). 48 [ 4 ] [ 5 ]. Jennifer Wallach, Lecture: Slavery and Abolition in the North, (University of North Texas, September 23rd 2011). [ 6 ]. Allan, Kulikoff, “How Africans Became African Americans” in Major Problems in African American History, Volume I: From Slavery to Freedom, 1619-1877, edited by Thomas C. Holt and Elsa Barkley Brown (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000), 185 [ 7 ] [ 10 ]. Robin D.G. Kelley, Earl Lewis. To Make Our World Anew Volume 1: A History of African Americans to 1880. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000). 90 [ 11 ]