
Slavery And Racism In The United States

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Slavery And Racism In The United States
Racism means that race is the first thing that is different between people. This means that there are racial differences between people. On the basis of which they are considered inferior to others.
So Racism means the particular race is superior to others or inferior on the basis of differences between them. These differences are due ro caste, religion some any other differences. So It means that the traits of person are predominant by his or her biological characteristics. It means that the people of different races should remain separate from each other.
Racism is a belief that existed through human history. It can also be called as the hatred of people towards each other. This hatred is due to the differences between people.
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Freedom and slavery existed side by side in America. The Africans were kept as slaves and they were not treated as humans. They were kept as slaves and were deprived of their basic rights. They were not given a right to vote. They were deprived of their basic needs because of difference of religion between them.
Racism dates back to thousands of years, it dates back to 17 nth century. With the Arrivals of Africans to North American shores, they planned to conquer the land as a result of which racism started against the native American.
Europeans were of the view that the original inhabitants of America were heathens who needed to be civilized through changing the religion and convert to Christianity. A belief that they should remain separate from each other on the basis of differences between them. This difference between people resulted in hatred towards each other and resulted in mass murder and wars. This resulted in long term effects on the American nation.
In 1492, Columbus discovered America, and the British colonization started. James town was the first town in America. Slavery was imposed only on the non Christians prisoner's of war, and it was prohibited between
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They were also separated through buying and selling of slaves. They were deprived of their rights. They can't even own a property and they were not given a right to vote, and they were considered inferior.

In the end of 17 nth century there was a quick transformation due to racism. This transformation changed the life of Native American. There are a lot of reasons for bringing black as slaves in America. They include the social and economic reasons.
The Africans remained as slaves for many years. Most of them experienced this enslavement before 1650, and remain as slave for decades. This slavery passed on from generation to generation.
This slavery become hereditary and the main reason of slavery was color. It was a bitter cold reality. Blacks were not treated as humans. They were deprived of their rights.
Another reason was religion. At first the English man gave a justification that Africans (of different religion) and those Africans who were captured in the war could be enslaved for life. But in reality, those people who were captured in war and were enslaved, if converted to Christianity were given

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