I found the website to be very useful because it had a lot of information that was delivered in an easy-to-follow summary of the institution of slavery. 2) “Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation” http://www.brycchancarey.com/slavery/index.htm This website was created by a professor in London named Dr.Brycchan Carey. He teaches English literature so although he may not be an expert in the subject of slavery, he is at research. The site was first created in November of 2000. It was last updated April 20, 2010. Every link was up-to-date and this was very helpful because the links are very relevant. This page was created in order to provide resources pertaining to slavery, abolition and emancipation. The page consists of links to resources relevant to each area of study, and each separate page has its own citations. The information provided is very useful because it covers a wide range of things pertaining to the issue of slavery 3) “African Holocaust: History of Africa restored” http://www.africanholocaust.net/ah_about.htm This website was created by a non-profit group called Maafa which is made up of African scholars/educators. The site seeks to educate and to restore a true study of the African experience, including slavery. They are experts in the field of African study. The page was first created in 1998 and is still being updated in 2010. There are no obvious biases; in fact, the authors want people to have a clear, objective look into the facts surrounding the African experiences. I was unable to see specific sources for the information provided, but most writings seemed to be original work of the authors. The links were up-to-date and I learned from this website a different view of slavery in America .
4)”The American Civil War: Slavery in America ” http://americanrevwar.homestead.com/files/civwar/slavery.html This website was authored by a man by the name of Ronald W.
McGranahan in 2004. The website was last updated on April 4, 2007. Not enough biographical information is given to determine whether or not Mr. McGranahan is an expert in the field or whether or not he is biased toward the subject of slavery in America . Most links are up-to-date, but a few redirected me to pages that were still in progress. I also could not find a link to the sources used. All in all, I would not use this website in the future due to it’s vagueness about the subject matter and lack of sources to be cited. It seems unreliable for …show more content…
information. 5) “The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in America ” http://www.slaverysite.com/images/images2.htm The author of this website is Dr. Neil A. Frankel. He says that the purpose of the site is to be used as a “starting point for slavery information and sources.” His expertise on the studies of slavery comes from his deep interest in the fact that something so inconceivable and morally wrong could occur in America . The website was first produced in 2007 and 2008 and was last updated on July 10, 2008. Dr. Frankel provides many links since this is the purpose of the website, and all seem to be up-to-date. He has no apparent biases except for the fact that he clearly states his repulsion of the institution of slavery. He lists more than 80 sources and also includes links to images. I found this website to be extremely useful because of the amount of information provided on it. 6) “Associated Content: Slavery in America ” http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2737325/slavery_in_america.html?cat=37 This site is actually a collection of articles written by various authors. This one in particular is about slavery and was written by an infantryman named Jacob Brooks. He appears to have no expertise on the subject of slavery, but his article is well-written and concise and he did cite his sources used. The article was first created on February 26, 2010 and was not updated since then. He does have a few links and they are current. The website itself was created to allow people to have access to a multi-contributor website. The information was useful because it summarized the main points of slavery without being confusing or lengthy. 7) “Ending Slavery in America ” http://us-civil-war.suite101.com/article.cfm/ending_slavery_in_america This site is an article that stems from the homepage Suite101.com. The author of this particular article is Walter Coffey and it was written January 5, 2010. Coffey is an expert in his field. He has an extensive background in U.S. History and is also an award-winning writer. He does not have any biases, his article is very objective. It does not appear to have been updated since it was written, and the links provided are current and useful. They lead to other articles that Coffey has written. Although it does not specifically say why this article was written, Coffey makes it pretty clear in his biography that he has a profound knowledge of history and writing and the internet is a good way to share knowledge. Coffey provides the sources he used at the end of the article. This article was useful because it helped to better explain the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on slavery. 8.) “History of Slavery” http://www.sonofthesouth.net/slavery/history-slavery.htm This website was written by a group who call themselves Sons of the South. It was first created in 2003 and was updated up until 2008. There is no clear explanation about whether or not they are experts in this field, nor are there sources cited. The only links on this page appear to be advertisements. Although the information appears to be accurate, the website is confusing and lacks much information about its creators. This website was not of much use to me because I can’t tell where the information provided is coming from. 9) “History of Slavery in America ” http://www.infoplease.com/timelines/slavery.html The author or authors of this website is Infoplease.com. Their purpose is to relay valuable information in a fun and entertaining way. This article was first introduced in 2000 and was being updated until 2009. This article is helpful because it is a timeline of events pertaining to slavery. The article does not identify a specific author, but the makers of infoplease.com have been educating the public since 1938 when it started out as a radio quiz show, so they are presumably knowledgeable about the topics they write about. There are many links on the page and all are up-to-date. Sources are not listed for the specific article, only for all on the site. I found this site to be useful in giving a general idea of a timeline of the events of slavery in America . 10) “Slavery in the North” http://www.slavenorth.com/ This website was written and created by Douglas Harper. He is an expert in the field of history and slavery, having graduated with both English and History degrees and also because he wrote numerous books on the matter. He created this website because in his studies, he noticed that the information regarding slavery in the North was hard to come by. Most literature is concerning slavery in the South. The website was produced in 2003 and does not say when it was last updated. The links on the page are current and very easy to follow. There is no clutter or vague information regarding the links to sources and other articles. I really enjoyed this website because of its ease of use, and because of the extent of the author’s knowledge on slavery.
11) Wikipedia :The Free Encyclopedia – “Slavery” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery This website was created by users.
Anyone with internet access can edit or add to any of the pages in Wikipedia. Because of this, I don’t know whether or not the person writing this article about slavery is an expert in the field. It is unknown when the article was originally written, but it was last revised on August 3rd, 2010. The links are very up-to-date. The purpose of the site is to create an online encyclopedia that is improved upon quickly. There is no bias since the website is a part of a non-profit foundation. There are 181 sources for the information provided in this article. I found the website to be very useful because it had a lot of information that was delivered in an easy-to-follow summary of the institution of
slavery. 12) http://innercity.org/holt/slavechron.html “SLAVERY” This website was created by Eddie Becker and a group of citizens. I don’t know whether the person who wrote this is an expert in the field for it says that it was him and a group of people who did the research. This article was written in the year of 1999 and was last updated in August of 2003. The author of the site states that he created this site for educational purposes and to try to preserve history. The author doesn’t exhibit any kind of biases toward this subject. The sources for this are archive, library and internet source documentation. 13) http://www.earlyamerica.com/review/winter96/slavery.html “TREATMENT OF SLAVERY” This website was created in by Don Vitale. Vitale is a former journalist and lecturer in the University of Southern California ’s Department of Journalism. Because of this I believe that he is an expert in the field. This article was written in the year of 1995, but it doesn’t say when it was the last update. The links in this website are up to date and very useful. The purpose of this site was for people to view their nation founding document as they appear in the media of that day. The author doesn’t seem biases about the subject. The sources for this article came from original newspaper, maps, and writing. This article was useful reason for it tell the story in a way that everyone can understand. 14) http://www.bristolandslavery.4t.com/acknowle.htm “SLAVE STATES” This website was created by Andy Nash. From my research I believe that this guy is not an expert in the field. I looked but could not find when the website was created and it also doesn’t state any information of when it was the last time it was updated. In the other hand the links seem to be up to date n has a lot of information on several topics. So of this topic were thought in class and they match with what he has written. The creator for this site does not really express any kind of biases towards the subject in slavery he just put information out so people can read about it. The information in this article seem t be legit from the little that I know but doesn’t really seem to be well planed I feel like I didn’t get much out of this site. 15) http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/slavery.aspx “MIDDLE PASSAGE” The creator for this site The Columbia Encyclopedia 6 edition. This was written in the year of 2008 and was updated last in august 5 2010. This people are experts in the field and have tons of useful information. The links on this website were up to date and worked well. The purpose of this site if to inform and educate people on the subject. He also does not show any sign of biases on the subject. The source came from many different people that are experts in the field and from old documents. I feel like this site expanded my knowledge on the subject. 16) http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1269536/The-Founding-Fathers-and-Slavery “FOUNDING FATHERS” The author and editor of this site is Nicholas Carr. This was written in August 5 2010. Nicholas Carr was not an expert he was an editor for the Harvard Business Review. On the website I could not find anything on the last update but the links are working properly n they take you to the right place. The purpose of the site is to inform and educate people he does not exhibit any kind of biases on the subject of slavery. His resources come from many different people that are experts in the field from many different universities. The information provided by this website is really useful and has plenty of information to expand ones knowledge. 17) http://www.southernslavery.com/ “ APOLGY TO THE SLAVES” This website was created by Greg Loren Duran. This article was written in May 12 2007. I’m not sure if Greg L Duran is an expert in the filed. I was not able to find when the website was last updated but the links seem to be up to date. The purpose of the site is to apologize for what was done to African Americans in the time of slavery Greg Duran from his article you can tell that he feel very sorry fro what happened to them and also says that shouldn’t have happen. The sources of information on this site are internet research and books. The degree that the information provided in this article is mainly focusing on how bad the treatment was for slave but not really expanding the knowledge I would think. 18) http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h37-af.html The creator for this site was Frank E. Smtha.This article was publish in the year 2002. I don’t believe that this person is an expert in the field for the website doesn’t give much information. This article does not show when it was last up dated and the links don’t work. The author made this site so people can get information but not to sure on the information posted. The author does not show any signs of been biases to the topic he is writing about. The information in this article was not that good n it’s mainly on thing that many people knew already so I feel like it didn’t expand my knowledge. 19)http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2006/09/02/AR2006090201097.html This article was written by Lisa rein from the Washington Post Staff Writer. She is not an expert on the field. This article was created in September 3 2006. There are currently no updates for these articles or at least none that I could find. The links for this website are up to date and are working. The purpose of this article is to educate people and to uncover a mystery. The writer of this article is not biases. The information in this article was useful. 20)http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112391/the_fight_to_end_slavery.htm This website was created by students for students. The website was created in the year of 2006. The last up date on this website was in November 23, 2009. The links on this website are up to date. The purpose of this site is to help other students learn and understand. The authors are not biases in any way. The sources that this student uses are their knowledge that they have acquired in school. This site provides pretty good information and it breaks it down in a simple way so students can understand. CONCLUSION: My conclusion on the nature of historical research is that it’s not easy and its time consuming for there’s a lot of sights that make no sense and need to be compared with others and try to understand why the author would write that. The critical role of objectivity is that is very important for an author not to be biases on the subject. I feel like I learn a lot from this research. I got to see people different point of view and also expanded my knowledge more fro most of the site went deep in detail about things that were going on with the slaves.