The first intent of Stowe's book was to inform the issue of slavery. Slavery in which African Americans were legal property and inferior to whites. While also many whites thought that African Americans were almost inhumane; this then caused African Americans to go through a great deal of hardships living as slaves. The idea of humanity is discussed about when Mr. Haley would like to buy the boy, however Mr. Shelby feels like it would be inhumane to sell the boy without his mother. Mr. Shelby feels as his Christian duty he should act go about slavery as if it was his moral duty (ch 1). Slavery can hurt both sides of the deal. Example when Mr. Haley …show more content…
Therefore, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin the author, Harriet Beecher Stowe, has explained how slavery affected African Americans as well as the importance of religion in that time, and how the slaves suffered. In which she communicates this with the readers throughout her book by showing how the slaves were treated, how religion played a role in their lives, and how slaves went through many