In 1820, the Missouri Compromise was passed which acted upon slavery. It claimed Maine and Missouri as free states, and also abolished slavery territories north of the latitude 36° 30’. When revolts of the slaves happened, the south imposed harsher treatments on their slaves, causing increased number of runaway slaves. By 1850, another Fugitive Slave Act is passed, this one being more strict than the first one. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln becomes the first republican president, with the intention to end slavery, and finally by 1863, all slaves in rebel territory are free. So between several years, slavery was the main dispute, but it wasn't the only
In 1820, the Missouri Compromise was passed which acted upon slavery. It claimed Maine and Missouri as free states, and also abolished slavery territories north of the latitude 36° 30’. When revolts of the slaves happened, the south imposed harsher treatments on their slaves, causing increased number of runaway slaves. By 1850, another Fugitive Slave Act is passed, this one being more strict than the first one. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln becomes the first republican president, with the intention to end slavery, and finally by 1863, all slaves in rebel territory are free. So between several years, slavery was the main dispute, but it wasn't the only