When a person is sleep their nervous system is inactive, the muscles are relaxed, and consciousness is suspended. This is a condition of the body and the mind and usually takes place at night time for several hours. For the most part, the person is inactive. However, the functions of the brain and the body are more active during sleep than awake. The transition between being awake and going to sleep are in the hands of the brain. The brain also plays a key role in controlling the amount of sleep and the depth of sleep one gets. Sleep is mainly controlled by the brain, however, outside factors such as caffeine, and light, and the quantity of tasks a person has to do in a certain amount of time can control and affect the transition between …show more content…
Sleep Apnea is when someone is sleeping and their breathing is interrupted. Sometimes this happens when the brain and the rest of the body do not get enough oxygen. There are two different types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is more common and occurs when the airway is being blocked and the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep. Central sleep apnea is when the brain fails to send a signal to the muscles to breathe because of how instable the respiratory control center is. Insomnia is simply defined as the inability to fall or stay asleep. There are two different types of insomnia as well. Acute insomnia is the first type and it happens usually because of a life circumstance such as an exam or when a person receives bad news. Chronic insomnia is sleep that gets disrupted and happens at least three nights per weak and three months. While there is no prevention or cure for these disorders, it is important to get treated for them because having sleep apnea and not getting treated for it could lead to diabetes, depression, heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke ad not getting treated for insomnia could have an individual up for all hours of the