Obtain a disposable camera, either by purchasing it from a store, or by asking for them at a photo developing shop. Ads by Google
Pb component conversion Convert semiconductors to Pb-free and reverse to solve ROHS problemswww.e-certa.com 2
Using the flat edge of a screwdriver, carefully pry the halves apart, being careful not to touch the PCB inside. You may need to release barbs or tabs to release the PCB from the plastic case. 3
Remove the battery. 4
Locate the large capacitor, most commonly a black cylindrical item with 2 leads coming out of one end - short the leads together with the end of the screwdriver but be careful!It can shock you if the capacitor is charged. It will make a loud bang and shower sparks and may do so several times. 5
Locate the charge switch on the front of the PCB, it should 'click' when pressed. Peel off the tape and remove the button, solder a toggle switch directly onto the solder pads revealed underneath. 6
If you are adventurous, de-solder the trigger transformer and xenon flash tube from the PCB, store or discard them as you wish. Alternatively isolate the section of PCB with the charger circuit and cut the rest off using cutters. 7
If not, skip the above step and continue by soldering 2 cables onto the two capacitor terminals. Wire one of these to a high current switch. 8
Form a load coil by wrapping 5-10 of turns of thick, insulated, stranded copper wire around a former approximately 1-2 inches (25-50mm) in diameter. With care, slide the windings off the former and bind together with adhesive tape. 9
Connect one of the leads of the load coil to the other unused terminal on the switch, the remaining to the free end of the cable coming from the capacitor. You should now have a PCB with a switch to turn the charger circuit on and off and a load coil that can be switched across the capacitor. 10
Place the load coil as close as possible