Now that we are in the future with more and more people buying vehicles, it’s no wonder it’s a challenge just to drop the kids off at school. I mean ok, most people say avoid traffic and leave early. Anybody else out there ever hear of that saying? Guess what? So have the rest of those snail moving people out there. The major problem lies not because of so many people, but the select few that fear the speed limit. Oh yes, I know you have seen it every day. Maybe you are the one reading this. But is it really that hard to go the speed limit or at LEAST mind your damn business. Minding your own business is the other problem. People can’t seem to figure out traffic build up is also caused by rubber neckers. You know when you see the bright blue and red from the fuzz on the right side of the road. I mean come on, the person pulled over is already embarrassed enough. They don’t need you eyeballing them up and down while you pass. I’m sure that person passed you up going 80 mph 10 minutes ago, only because you were going 60 in a 65 mph.…
When confronted with heavy traffic, aggressive drivers often engage in dangerous behavior such as passing on the right, using utility or turn lanes as driving lanes, and ignoring traffic signals. Paradoxically, aggressive drivers often pride themselves on their skill. They see other, more cautious drivers as the problem, not themselves.…
Speed limits are a must for traffic control, for safety in neighbor hoods and for avoidance of collisions. Accidents are unintedtional and unforeseen, but result in personal injury or property damage. When driving on the roads, it is important to follow the posted speed limits. The speed limits were picked for a variety of reasons. One of the most important reasons is that the legal speeds are considerably safer than higher speeds. Traffic control establishes a set of rules and regulations that people rely on to help avoid collisions and other hazards. With almost 160 million motorists and 3.8 million miles of public roads in the United States, traffic control on the highways is an important aspect of daily life. Without the control of speed there would be more fatalities than we already have now. Speed limits should be obeyed. A motorist going too slow could cause an accident. When everyone is traveling at the speed limit, a car comes up going 40 mph; if you break everyone will, too, perhaps causing a collision. Motorists depend on traffic control to avoid collisions and travel safely to their destination. According to a report published by the Governors Highway Safety Association, speeding and aggressive driving are hampering efforts to reduce the fatality rate further.In 1999, speeding was a contributing factor in 30 percent of all fatal crashes, and 12,628 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes. The economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by the NHTSA to be $28 billion per year. Speeding…
think that their driving is dangerous or that they are so good at driving that speeding won’t be an…
If your child was walking home from school you would want a piece of mind to no they are safe. If it wasn’t a speed limit law a lot of children and pets would be in danger. Image If you where a senior citizen walking your dam and an idiot speed past, you wouldn’t like that not even a little. You have to think of others when you drive.…
Miami Vice and CSI : Miami showing guns and fast driving as part of the…
too fast. Distracted driving I think is a very big problem and it keeps getting bigger. Distracted…
In North Carolina, 1 person is killed or injured in speed-related crashes every 22 minutes. The risk of a crash in a 60 mph zone doubles with every 5 mph above the limit. The public needs to be more aware of the dangers of speeding. You can frequently watch ads for fast cars and ways to avoid police on the roads. The police and the community have expressed particular concern about the potential of these ads to influence the behavior of young drivers. The risk of being involved in a crash increases with the speed a vehicle is being driven because there is less time to react, less control of the vehicle and the distance needed to stop is longer. The higher the speed a vehicle is travelling when it hits a pedestrian the greater the chance of a fatality occurring. The impact on a person in a crash at 60 mph is equivalent to falling from a four story building, while the impact at 100 mph equals falling from a 12-story building. Speeding has been implicated as a contributing factor in about one-third of all fatal motor-vehicle crashes. Speed reduces the amount of available time needed to avoid a crash, increases the likelihood of crashing and increases the severity of a crash once it occurs. Speeding is defined as travelling faster than the posted speed limit or travelling too fast for the road condition. Such as when it is raining, snowing, fog present, dust storm, ice on the road, or even bad visibility from the sun rising or setting. For example the speed limit might be 55 mph on a road but there is so much fog you can’t see but up to 20 feet in front of…
Speeding is against the law for a reason; it is extremely dangerous and almost always plays a part in vehicular accidents. It leads to death in numerous cases, and that can cause an enormous weight on someone's conscious. Most speeding is done on main highways where a person generally has chances to pass other vehicles. This is especially life threatening when someone is on a high traffic interstate and their rushing to get somewhere. People end up going too fast and not checking all their blind spots. These mistakes have lead to costly tickets that they end up not being able to afford, or even the death…
The first type of driver is the nervous driver. They are the drivers that drive under the speed limit and often hit their breaks without warning. This type of driver has the tendency to frustrate other drivers on the road. The nervous driver is easily agitated or alarmed which can lead to them making incorrect decisions that may cause danger. There is nothing wrong with driving cautiously under certain conditions, but to drive like you are in a funeral procession on wide open roads is not acceptable. They often see driving as a hard task and do not get too much enjoyment out of it. These are often inexperienced drivers or drivers that never got the hang of it. Many accidents are caused due to their actions regardless of their intent.…
Believe it or not speeding is the third leading contributing factor in car accidents. On average, more than 33% of car accidents are caused from not following the proper speed limit. The consequences from getting in a…
Steven Wright makes a point by saying, “They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic”. Driving has been a standard commodity in America since they first became popular with Ford's Model T car. Martin Gottfried discusses in “Rambo’s of the Road” the way the mentality of driving among Americans has changed of the years. Gottfried recalls that his parents and grandparents had fellow drivers who were as kind as they were in their non-driving life. Everyone used to let others change lanes and pass with ease. They always had a nice smile and waved as communications went. He says that people emulated who they were in daily life to how they are on the road. That is no longer the case by how we all witness the bad drivers. Traffic has been a part of the…
When you speed, you have less time to react to unexpected situations. Other drivers have less time to react to your situation. With that being said, you can easily harm someone or yourself if not kill them by not watching your surroundings. Because like stated before, you not only have little time to react at the normal speed of traffic; but now you are speeding which takes away from the normal time, in return gives you minimal to NO time to react at all.…
Have you ever gone above the speed limit? You probably thought well the limit is to slow for the area and that this is a highway and i should be able to go faster on my commute. This is a problem many of us face, forced to go slower when we should be able to travel at a greater speed of the roads. I will discuss the reasons why you should be allowed to go faster and the reasons why we cant go faster on our commutes.…
First of all it is obvious that a motorist driving over the speed limit has more chances of getting into an accident that a motorist who is traveling at the average speed. One who drives fast does not have proper and that well of a control on the vehicle as one that is moving at a safe speed or at the speed limit mark. It is true that traveling above the speed limit will save time and time is money but is it really worth it. Speed over the limit is a major factor in about two to five percent of fatalities. When driving over the limit it is hard to determine the other drivers speed, this is called the speed variance and this can cause an accident while overtaking the other vehicle or simply changing lanes because the other driver could be speeding up as well, at the same time as you are changing lanes that would result in an accident.…