Psychiatrist Thomas A. Wehr conducted a sleep study that imitated the night time settings of ancient life. The adults who participated in this sleep study without artificial light from dusk to dawn, began to show signs of sleep patterns that resemble a more primitive state when compared to other mammals and perhaps might have exhibited the patterns some of the earliest people were accustomed to. The change of sleep pattern within the study groups definitely indicates that sleep isn’t solely biological, but one’s culture also affects the way sleep is approached. As this was also shown in the studied indigenous cultures where concerns about exposure to evil spirits and ghost were
Psychiatrist Thomas A. Wehr conducted a sleep study that imitated the night time settings of ancient life. The adults who participated in this sleep study without artificial light from dusk to dawn, began to show signs of sleep patterns that resemble a more primitive state when compared to other mammals and perhaps might have exhibited the patterns some of the earliest people were accustomed to. The change of sleep pattern within the study groups definitely indicates that sleep isn’t solely biological, but one’s culture also affects the way sleep is approached. As this was also shown in the studied indigenous cultures where concerns about exposure to evil spirits and ghost were