In the film slumdog they’re had happen to be a whole lot of misfortunate events and stress into living a better life. The movie showed that to get through life you have to first get through obstacles to reach success. Jamal and his brother Salim were born and raised in Dharavi slums of Mumbai, India. The whole slum area seemed to be rough and nasty. I couldn’t imagine how life they’re could be.
When a whole attack happened at the slum the violators had knocked out Salim and Jamal’s mother making them depend on each other. It was rough at first because they were on there own looking for food and shelter. They soon met up a little girl named Lakita which she had ran off with them. Salim was iffy about it at first and forced her to sleep elsewhere. Later in the movie they …show more content…
They made money by selling peoples belonging they had stolen from the Taj Mahal. Once the money was coming through towards the point that they could support themselves, the older brother Salim took shift as leader. Soon Salim becomes ruthless and becomes a gangster soon to be gang member.
Jamal was noticing that Salim had changed due to the people he was around.
When they finally found Latika they took her back. Soon after Salim would take her away from Jamal and he never seen her or his brother for the longest time. Jamal always kept his hopes up to finding Latika. He never doubted himself of making this possible. When Jamal finally found Latika and Salim he found out that she was a wife with a head gangster. Saw that she wasn’t treated right at all.
At the end of the movie when he had won all that sum of money and met his future wifey he knew that he could pull it all off. He got what he wanted but his brother
Salim sacrificed himself feeling bad for all he done to Latika hoping she would forgive him by giving her the chance to escape. She went from being a dancer, a house wife, and to being free. In the beginning of the film they had made a promise to end up