In accessing the Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEOC) website, I found it very hard to find a clear and concise reason as to why small businesses were treated differently than the larger businesses and why the law would differentiate between them. These smaller organizations are sometimes treated differently by the EEOC because they lack the resources that most large companies possess. Most small businesses can't afford to hire the best qualified people that larger businesses can and do. They may not be able to hire people that fit into the different classes (EEOC, 2008). For example, they may want to hire someone with a disabili ty but really can 't afford to because they would have to make reasonably accommodations for that person which could be very costly for small business owners.
Another reason they may be treated differently is the fact that small companies will not have a lot of ready cash on hand, because all the funds that are being generated goes back into the business. They also oftentimes lack human resources depm1ments or specialized EEO office to help manage their staffing needs (A rnold, 2009).
Many differences between small business and large business are really not that significant
but the most ctitical difference between the two is the way funding is utilized by larger companies and smaller establishments (Fuscaldo, 2012). Larger companies can maintain stockholders, but small businesses usually have owners, namely, Mom and Pop establishments' (Fuscaldo, 2012). Bei ng e mployed at a large company, there are rules a nd regulations to contend with in order to perform the job assigned. Small companies employees, on the other hand, have a tendency to have less bureaucracy, less organization, and fewer compl ications when performing their assigned task (Fuscaldo, 2012).
Historically, Congress has generally sought to exempt small bu sinesses from federal regulation in the area of
References: Anderson, R.A., Fox, 1., Twomey, D.P., and Jennings, M.M., (1999). Business Law & The Legal Environment Arnold, J. T. (2009, April!). Reining In Overtime Costs. Retrieved October2, 2013, from SHRM On-Line Society of Human Resource Management: Bryant, M Retrieved October 2, 2013, from Society of Human Resource Management: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2008). Employers and Other Entities Covered by EEO Laws Fusca!do, D (2012). Small vs Large Companies: Differences Between WOJkingfor the Two. Retrieved October 4. 2012 from Ingram, D Laws Enforced by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Rettieved October 2, 2013 from http://www McCracken, T Rettieved October3, 2013 from Postal, L