The word ‘small’ represents what is minor or of minimum importance but small can also be beautiful.
For instance ‘smile’ is a five letter word, a small word as you may see it, but is of great importance. Smile is a beautiful thing. It brings cheer and happiness in one’s life, it helps one to stay fit and healthy not only mentally or emotionally but physically too. Smile brings joy and tenderness in one’s heart amidst various amounts of sorrow, tension and turmoil. Not only does it beautify life but it also beautifies one’s face and personality too. A smile can melt hearts, win them and steal them in no time. Though ‘smile’ is ‘small’ it brings amicability in our lives. Let’s take up another example-- Baby. They are little angels on Earth. They are considered as God’s gift and God’s grace. Like ‘smile’ they also bring joy in our materialistic lives. We can learn so many things from them. They teach us how to be happy, how to handle problems in a relaxed way, they teach us how to grow up as parents, they help us to become more mature, in short they teach us how to live Life. Looked how the two are related? Babies are those ‘small’ things which bring ‘smiles’ to our faces. These two ‘smalls’ together indeed brings great differences in our world. Another beautiful example of small yet beautiful is India. India is a small subcontinent of Asia. It is much smaller than other continents of West but it prospers in Tradition, Culture and Ancient Past. India though small has a culture of its own. Here, the parent-child bond is very strong, unlike the West where children are not much attached with their parents. India’s rich culture and heritage makes it more colorful on the canvas called world. India consists of various religions, castes, tribes and regions which results in various traditions, rituals, festivals and celebrations. Diversity in India is huge in contrast to the West.
When I am talking about small countries then Japan cannot lag