(10/10) An explanation is given about why countries, such as the US, have samples of small pox.…
Pertussis is a respiratory tract infection that is very contagious. It got its name because of the sharp high-pitched intake of air that makes a “whooping” sound that follows a fit of coughs. It was originally considered a childhood disease but now it affects those children that are too young to have completed vaccination and those who have slowly lost the immunity to it. This can cause death in infants, which is why pregnant women should be vaccinated against it. Whooping cough is caused by the bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. It produces many virulence factors including the pertussis toxin and since it can be transmitted through droplets, it can go from person to person making it highly contagious. When the infected person coughs or sneezes, the droplets in the air can be taken in by anyone nearby.…
It appears in a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body.…
The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-1782 affected many people. When a person caught smallpox they could already assume their lives were at ends. Smallpox came unexpectedly without a known cure. Throughout the book ,”Pox Americana”, by Elizabeth A. Fenn, she has a different story for each one of her chapters. Every story shares life experiences of different men that experience the same disease, variola or smallpox, in their lifetime. Elizabeth Fenn states, “Variola [small pox] was a virus of empire. It made winners and losers, at once serving the conquerors and determining whom they would be (Fenn, 275)”. Within this message she is saying that the deadly disease of smallpox hurt some more than others and due to death some people conquered while others perished. Elizabeth Fenn not only spoke of the disease itself but spoke primarily about what this disease did to shape historical events.…
Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus, causing a painful rash. Shingles can occur anywhere on your body. They most often appear on your torso. They look like a small strip of blisters. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus is already in your spinal cord and brain, but inactive. The virus may reactivate as shingles years later. Shingles can be very painful. Vaccines can help lower the risk of shingles, and early treatment can help shorten a shingles infection. Shingles can cause death, but is rare.…
Smallpox is an extremely deadly disease which, in one point in time, was the most feared disease on the planet. In the book Pox Americana, Elizabeth A. Fenn writes about the encounter with the deadly disease in the 1770's to the 1780's. Her book was first published in 2001 in New York City, where she originally wrote it. Her book contains just under 400 words that explain the disease, some of the first encounters with it, who and where it affected people, and how they got the epidemic under control. Pox Americana is a very informative book that teaches the reader various things.…
Smallpox emerged around 200 years after the Black Death, during the mid-14th century, and quickly became one of the biggest killers in the expanding world. (Dobson,p.130) Smallpox changed the beauty standards in Europe through the use of makeup, fashion, and accessories. This disease struck in all social classes of society and was not dependent on status, wealth, sanitary conditions, or hygiene. Because of that, smallpox was sometimes referred to as the “democratic” disease (Skold,p.145) People believe that the Inca and Aztec empire likely collapsed because of smallpox. Hernan Cortes and his 300 men attacked the Aztec capital a force of 300,00 and captured the city within the span of three months. (Altman. p.42) This likely occurred because the Spaniards have had years of exposure to smallpox due to Columbus crossing the Atlantic from Europe to Africa and carrying the disease. (Dobson,p.130) On the other hand, the Aztecs and Incas were not immune to the ravages of the disease and quickly became weak which led to the collapse of the civilizations. (Altman, p.42)…
When government workers made the flu shot available to everyone people started to worry about what the government was really trying to do. Many thought it was made to help fight the flu, but is that really what the government is trying to do? The flu shot carries high levels of mercury: the chemical element with the atomic number 80, a heavy silvery metal that is liquid at room temperature. Mercury is used in streetlights and fluorescent bulbs and it’s also one of the ingredients in the shot. The flu shot is a scam that has been used on almost all of the people in America.…
The Europeans transferred smallpox to the Natives when trading goods. Due to this some Natives tried their best to stay away from the explorers. Smallpox victims had little chance of survival. The way the Natives tried to cure the illness, actually made it worse. They would give the ill, sweat baths. The most known epidemic was in 1519, and it reduced the Huron tribe's population by 9000.…
The smallpox eradication through vaccination was possible at most due to one feature: there is no animal reservoir of smallpox, variola (VARV) spreads person to-person (11). Additionally, already early in the history those who bore pox scars were noted to be resistant to disease recurrence. And the persons who acquired smallpox through a scratch were witnessed to have attenuated course of disease. Buddhist nun sometime between 1022 and 1063 AD started an inoculation with smallpox pus or scabs either by a nasal or cutaneous route, a procedure known as variolation. This practice eventually spread to China, India and Turkey, and by the late 1700s, was practiced by European physicians (10). In 1798 the English physician Edward Jenner established a much safer practice, demonstrating that another poxvirus, CPXV, could be used to prevent smallpox infections in humans (10). After absorbing, that milkmaids who developed cowpox lesions are resistant to smallpox. Jenner took a fluid from a cowpox pustule on a dairymaid’s hand and used it for inoculation of an 8-year-old…
The discovery of the vaccine for smallpox disease ended a global outbreak of death and helped keep powerful empires from falling. Smallpox ranks among the most devastating illnesses ever suffered by humankind, smallpox is an acute contagious disease caused by the variola virus. The disease is spread through direct contact with infected people or body fluids or with contaminated objects. The disease is thought to have originated in India or Egypt about 3,000 years ago, with the earliest evidence dating back to 1157 B.C. In the 20th century it killed some 300 million people globally (National 1).…
Yellow fever is an acute viral disease is a hemorrhagic fever caused by the Flavivirus. Acute means it comes onset rapidly meaning it affects the whole body. Experts believe the disease originated in Africa and it was introduced in South America in the slave trade within the 16th century. Several major disease epidemic cases have taken place in Europe, the Americas and Europe since the 17th century. It was deemed as the most common dangerous disease in the 19th century.…
In today’s society it is very important to get properly vaccinated. Getting vaccinated will help provide you with good health, it will help you fight infections, and will protect you and your family from getting sick. You want to get properly vaccinated so you can live a life without getting sick. You can get vaccinated at your family doctor at your annual checkup.…
Between April and December of 1721, over six thousand colonists in Boston contracted a world-wide feared viral infection known as smallpox. After the occurrence of over nine hundred deaths in Boston alone, the infestation of this disease in the colony became known as the Smallpox Epidemic. During the epidemic, it became widely acknowledged that survivors of smallpox were immune to later occurrences of the disease. This led to the consideration of the medical practice of inoculation—the deliberate introduction of the living smallpox virus to cause a mild case of the disease that would provide immunity. In contrast to the claims of its creators, inoculation was not always successful and did result in a small number of deaths in patients, but…
During the years 1932 through 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) used 399 African American men, for lack of a better term, as lab rats. They conducted an experiment on these men, monitoring the late stages of the venereal disease syphilis. These men were of the poorest in Alabama’s society during this period. They were uneducated sharecroppers, whom were told that they were being treated for having bad blood. A doctor, one of whom had no intentions on curing these men of syphilis, indicated that him as well as his colleges, had no interest in the patients until they were dead.…