INTRODUCTION The definition for small-scale industrial undertakings has changed over time. Initially they were classified into two categories- those using power with less than 50 employees and those not using power with the employee strength being more than 50 but less than 100. However the capital resources invested on plant and machinery buildings have been the primary criteria to differentiate the small-scale industries from the large and medium scale industries. An industrial unit can be categorized as a small- scale unit if it fulfils the capital investment limit fixed by the Government of India for the small- scale sector. As per the latest definition which is effective since December 21, 1999, for any industrial unit to be regarded as Small Scale Industrial unit the following condition is to be satisfied: -
Investment in fixed assets like plants and equipments either held on ownership terms on lease or on hire purchase should not be more than Rs 10 million.
However the unit in no way can be owned or controlled or ancillary of any other industrial unit. The traditional small-scale industries clearly differ from their modern counterparts in many respects. The traditional units are highly labor consuming with their age-old machineries and conventional techniques of production resulting in poor productivity rate whereas the modern small-scale units are much more productive with less manpower and more sophisticated equipments. Khadi and handloom, sericulture, handicrafts, village industries, coir, Bell metal are some of the traditional small-scale industries in India. The modern small industries offer a wide range of products starting from simple items like hosiery products, garments, leather products, fishing hook etc to more sophisticated items like television sets, electronics control system, various engineering products especially as ancillaries to large industrial undertakings. Nowadays Indian small-scale
References: |Khadi & Village Industries Commission Act, 1956 - 17 March 2008 | |Re-establishing Khadi & Village Industries Commission dissolved in October ' 2004 - 19 July 2006 | |The Micro, Small and Medim Enterprises Development Act, 2006 - 16 June 2006 | |Notification regarding implementation of provisions of Khadi and Village Industries Commission (Amendment) Act, 2006 w.e.f