your learning enviroment to be a good strategy. I like to listen to white noise in the background. There are tons of youtube videos for white noise for studying and I find this greatly benefits me in my studying time. I also find rhymes for learning and remembering key terms.
Once I have a rhyme to a term it is hard to forget. I also find listening to motivating, upbeat music helps me relax and recharge during a study break. According to the Smartmeasure Assessment, I am also a visual learner. I think most people are visual learners because seeing what you are learning is a huge aspect. I do tend to comprehend something better when it is put in a graph or almost any picture format. This helps me to see it, visualize it and soak it in. I also find that drawing out and coloring certain things like the heart for Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 helps me tremendously. In a way it makes the learning even more fun. I also find that when I am explaining something to someone I tend to want to use my hands to explain and help them visualize it as well. The internet is also a great resource for me since I am a visual learner. I can find almost anything in a graph form to study. Pinterest is also a great tool, which is part of the internet but a great site for the visual learner like myself. According to the Smartmeasure Assessment, my strongest attribute is not procrastinating. I agree with this one hundred percent because I am very against
procrastination. I find that being organized helps finish assignments in a timely manner. I study and devote myself to my education so that also helps me not procrastinate. Another one of my greatest attriubtes is time management. I also agree with this because I have my time planned out through the week according to my classes and studying time. My time management includes my 3 children, my classes and studying time. Those are only three things but three very busy and important things. I like to keep a calendar and write down deadlines. This helps me to have a visual on the wall to remind me. I think the Smartmeasure Assessment helped me confirm my learning styles and gave me new ideas to further my education. It also helps me plan for my future in education and my professional life.