This report was created in order to discuss, analyze and indicate the significant impact of smart phones over the business environment. It offers answers to the questions:
1) How smart phones have changed the world of business? What are the consequences? What is the indirect and direct impact over the business?
2) What advantages offer smart phones to the business? How they affect it? What could be expected in the future?
3) What are the concerns related to the change? What could be the future issue, which we should take into consideration?
In 1973, started the conception of combining technology and computing. In 1974, Theodore George Paraskevakos, who was “Years ahead of his time…” as Berkman says, patented the Basic Smartphone Concept. The actual release of the smart phone in the market was 1994, when IBM combines a cell phone and PDA Forming the Simon Personal Communicator. “This ancestor of the modern smartphone”, says Berkman, “was capable of text messaging, faxing and emailing, in addition to making phone calls”. The price of device was retailed for $1,099, or $899 if the buyer signed up for a two-year service contract.
Source: Berkman, F. (2012, October 15). How the cellphone got ‘smart’. Mashable .
In 1999, BlackBerry created email device. Its price at $399 was more affordable than the Simon Personal Communicator. “The only problem”, says Berkam,” was the first BlackBerry was only a two-way pager with email capabilities, not a phone”.
Later, in 2000, when Ericsson described its R380, The name “smart phones” was created. “The Swedish company called its mobile phone a ‘smartphone’ invented a device lightweight flip phone that ran the Symbian operating system” .
Finally, in 2007, Apple invented its Multi-Touch Screen iPhone. It was similar to iPod, except it could be use for making phone calls, taking pictures, browsing
References: (n.d.). Retrieved from Berkman, F. (2012, October 15). How the cellphone got ‘smart’. Mashable . Kadlec, D. (2012, June 22). How smart phones are changing the tay we bank, drive, have sex and go to the bathroom. Time . Livingstton, S. (2012, June 22). How Smartphones Changes the Face of Business. Retrieved November 27, 2012, from Smith, A. (2012, March 1). Nearly half of American adults are smartphone owners. Retrieved November 25, 2012, from Stephen. (2011, February 16). 8 Ways smart phones have changed business. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from Witt, J. (2012). How technology has changed the business environment. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from