Faculty of Business Education & Law
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Assignment Details
Module Title : Strategic Management in Organisations
Module Code: BELBUS10551-6
Assignment Title: Group Reports
Weighting: 15% of available marks on this module
Tutors: Peter Considine, Katerina Thomas, Anni Hollings, Edvard Orlic, L. Limbrick
Word Guideline: see enclosed
Assignment Timetable:
Date Set: 26th October 2014
Submission Date’s and Time’s:
Part One Initial Strategic Assessment and Plan: February 9th 2014
Expected Return: 23rd Feb 2015 Part Two: Final Report: 4th May 2015
Expected Return: 1st June 2015
Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:
L02 Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical evaluation of the key aspects of the strategic management process though a comparative analysis of different models and perspectives and their impact on executive decisions (analysis, application, knowledge and understanding).
L03 Analyse and critically evaluate the environments in which strategic management and change takes place and assessing the appropriate organisational responses (analysis, enquiry).
LO4 Explore and evaluate critically the contemporary literature on strategic leadership, management and decision-making and how it relates to successful organisation progression in a global environment (knowledge and understanding).
LO5 Understand, critically evaluate and apply contemporary ideas on strategic aspects of decision-making in effective risk assessment during organisational change (integration, knowledge and understanding).
Assignment set by: Peter J Considine
Assignment verified by: Scrutiny Panel and External Examiner
Assignment Instructions
Your team must be submit by the due dates as stated below and will be submitted electronically via Turnitin and for which you will be issued instructions.
The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating