Smokin’ Gators Property Management, Inc. strategy is to create a tactical direction and use supported data to build from. …show more content…
mission statement is going to reflect as to how the business and all associates affiliated with the business will conduct themselves pertaining to the industry, the clients, and the community. In my opinion the mission and vision have to shadow each other. Staying true to one's values in life and building a business plan from that is how my company will become successful. Smokin’ Gators Property Management, Inc mission statement is as follows:
• To deliver to all our clients, and our fellow associates in the field of Real Estate the ultimate quality of professionalism, not only during business hours, but throughout the lifespan of our corporation. Our team will consist of professionals that are current with all the latest technology. We will stay committed to our community and the wellbeing of the community in general. We will become active with programs that involve growth potential for the area. While at the same time volunteering when the need be due to major issues that might affect the community in general. We will offer top financial support towards the investors, and high risk …show more content…
By doing this we will have accomplished making others dreams come true in owning a piece of the American Dream.
With our mission and vision statement for Smokin’ Gators Property Management, Inc.
I am generating two statements that will invite quality associates to join my business and help build it from the ground up to becoming one of the top producing agencies in the area. By finding quality associates and not basing my plan solely on quantity producers I believe our reputation will be the key to success for Smokin’ Gators Property Management, Inc. “We are proud to offer what we feel are the finest homes in the country. *Finally, we believe that our business can be successful for generations only if we continue a Tradition of Trust”, (Harney, E, para. 5, 2015).
Environmental Scan
The environmental scan of the industry is based on the internal and external sections of the environment. “The scan usually includes an external component -- identifying and assessing opportunities and threats in the external environment -- and an internal component -- assessing organizational strengths and weaknesses”, (Mosaica,