Research has shown that smoking cigarettes and contact to second hand smoke can cause serious health issues. When you’re in public places people smoke there cigarettes and innocent bystanders has contact to that smoke which can be harmful to their health. In 1972, the surgeon general released a report The Consequence of Smoking which discussed the potential effects of second hand smoke. The first kind of smoking bans came around in the 1970s. Restrictions were implemented on smoking in public places like government buildings and some airlines. The full ban of smoking on all airline went into effect in June 1996. (Committee on Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Acute Coronary Events) According to the “American Nonsmokers Right Foundation’s U.S. Tobacco Control Laws Database, as January 4, 2009, “a total of 30 states, along with Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, have laws in effect that require 100% smokefree workplace and or restaurants and/or bars.” (Committee on Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Acute Coronary Events)
Researchers have raised a reliable and valid argument not to ban smoking in public places. Thomas A. Lambert from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law says “Does a smoker have the right to fill the air with his or her smoke, or do non-smokers have the right to smoke-free air? In other words, who “owns”the air? A smoking ban effectively gives nonsmoking patrons the right to the air. By