Examine the smoking cessation promotion programme
Smoking cessation programme id designated to help educate people with an understanding of the health adverseve effects and damages to a smoker also awareness to diseases and prevention of diseases in the increased types of diseases to smoking example breating diffulty smokers cough clogs the heart artries and the types of diseases that can be decresed by quiting smoking examples better breathing more fit better health.also an understanding to rehabilitation in helping to quit or curb smoking and the community support groups to help support a person and community and steps to rehabilitaion. health promotion and disease prevention is promoted he to smokers and the effects of smoking in order to decrease smoking and the awareness of smoking promotion and smoking cessation promotion programme and contributes to greater awareness in having healthier lifestyles, and subsequently improves health and quality of life. A healthy diet, physical activity, the reduction of stress as well as access to preventive health care contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Physical activity and emotional well-being, immunizing against infectious diseases and making the environment safe when smoking is decreased www.asscessmentinsmokingcessationprogrammesineurope.com ,21/06/2013
Discuss disease prevention
Decreasing the prevalence of smoking,strongly encouraged to promote smoking cessation programmes and smoking prevention measures, for example a smoking ban in public places and measures aiming to educate young people about the risks of smoking.Also pictures on cigarette boxes of what smoking can do to your insides,and the newly european smoke free hospitals aso leaflets on smoking awareness and promotion programes Suggesting that public awareness and addiction programmes could be more effective. Programmes would need to draw attention to the adverse effects of smoking in reproductive health also. The World Health