Many people debate over where government intervention is appropriate and personal freedom should begin. One of these highly discussed topics is banning smoking in public places. The ban of smoking in public has many advantages and reasons. Smoking in public puts innocent adults, teenagers, and children at risk of serious health problems. If smoking is banned in public, this may help lower rates of potential smokers and current smokers as well. The welfare of the nonsmoker and the smoker are both affected by allowing smoking in public. By banning smoking in these areas, the population would be positively influenced.…
Imagine a place where nobody could get water. And even the people who did often died due to contamination. People had to deal with that, until the Romans came along. The Romans solved this problem by building aqueducts along the whole city, providing clean water to everyone. The Romans pushed the boundaries of engineering, much farther than anyone before their time.…
What about the non-smoker who always has to respectfully get up and move tables every times someone lights up, or the couple that covers their nose while walking down the street to avoid the smoke traveling in front of them, And let’s not forget the children who are easily sickened and is forced to play in the sand while someone’s father is having a quick smoke on the bench at the park. Smoking should definitely be banned on the non smoker behalf. It is worse for those that work in a bar, café or a restaurant. They have no way of escaping that dirty stale cigarette smell, and it’s not…
Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems. Both first-hand and second-hand smokers are affected by cigarette smoke. Scientific findings and researches show that the chemicals in cigarettes, apart from the smoke, can lead to health problems such as lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. In public places, more people, both young and old, can be exposed to the smoke from cigarettes. My position differs from those who might say that smoking altogether should not be banned. My position is that smoking in public places should be banned. It does not include smoking in private places like homes. Smoking in public places should be banned because it poses health risks to individuals who are non-smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from cigarettes. The risks are double to those who already have lung ailments.…
Smoking should not be allowed in public areas in casinos because smoke-free casinos could have a healthier environment, PM2.5 air pollution levels exceed world health organization standards, and people smoking in casinos create a risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, and cancer morbidity for themselves; however, the opposition claims that a smoking ban could result in an economic hardship, yet several studies show that there is no significant changes in casino revenue, so smoking should be banned in public areas in…
Studies have consistently shown that more than 75% of Australians believe that passive smoking causes ill health. The majority of Australians are aware of the health risks of passive smoking and supportive of measures to control ETS exposure in enclosed public places and workplaces. While there is an increasing trend for smokefree workplace policies there are anomalies in the provision of non-smoking areas particularly in the hospitality industry. One reason for the restricted spread of smokefree policies in the hospitality industry is that many hospitality industry proprietors are concerned about the loss of custom, which they believe would be associated with the provision of non-smoking…
Las Vegas is often referred to as “Sin City”. People come here from all over the world to gamble, party, and enjoy the nightlife this city has to offer. Vacationers expect a crazy trip where “sinning” is the norm. Vegas is a place where you can get away from rules and laws, and many think they should be able to drink and smoke to their heart’s content. But recently, Vegas passed laws banning smoking in restaurants and taverns. These bans were quickly lifted in gaming taverns with the new rule that all guests had to be at least 21 to enter. Casinos remain exempt from smoking bans in the majority of gaming areas. Many argue that Vegas would lose too much money if casinos were forced to prohibit smoking. Others think the benefits would outweigh the costs. I believe it’s time Vegas banned smoking in all indoor areas, including casinos.…
Imagine yourself sitting down to dinner at a restaurant. You are sitting down trying to enjoy your dinner when all you can smell is smoke. Not only are you just breathing in the smoke, it is also damaging your body at the same time. Or imagine yourself at your work place, whether it be a restaurant or office, and you are forced to breathe in second-hand smoke the entire time you are there. In this paper you will be informed of the harmful effects of second-hand smoke, and why smoking should be banned from all public places.…
Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke just protruding from your clothes? Have you ever coughed and choked as you inhaled a cloud of smoke as a group of immature smokers passed by? If you have, then you would agree that neither one of these experiences is very pleasant, and could have been avoided if smoking was banned in public places.…
Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to health of the people. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked. A further issue is that smoking costs governments millions of rands because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking related problems. There is also concern today about passive smoking. Recent research has shown that non-smokers can suffer health problems if they spend long periods of time among people who do smoke.…
Furthermore, Las Vegas casinos need to attract customers and most of the customers smoke. For Las Vegas casinos to have good income, they must come up with different and great ideas to attract all kinds of customers. The easiest way to attract customers would be not to ban smoking in casinos because most people smoke, and people come to Las Vegas to gamble, smoke and have fun. Undoubtedly it is unfair to the non-smoking customers to have to bear with the annoying smell of cigarettes. However, with the development of technology,…
Three parties are hurt when the government decrees that no eating establishment can allow smoking. First, it negatively affects the right of the tobacco users who wants to smoke at their favorite spot. Next it takes away the freedom of business owners to choose how they will conduct business and how they will meet the interest of their customers. Third, it affects nonsmokers as occurred in Las Vegas Nevada where smoking was outlawed but it failed to have the desired effect of halting smoking. Owners of eating establishments were forced to stop providing a separate smoking area; in practice the business owners didn’t chase out customers who smoked in the place of business. It was a challenge to enforce and it…
It has become common knowledge that smoking is bad for people’s health, nonetheless people continue to smoke. To be honest, that is fine. If people want to endanger themselves by smoking then I wish them a swift and peaceful end (though most smokers die a slow and agonizing death). What is not acceptable is the effect that smoke has on non-smokers who have almost no way of getting away from smoke unless they want to stay in their house. Smokers affect everyone around them for the worse. Smoking should be restricted or banned from all public places because the health of non-smokers should not be jeopardized by secondhand smoke.…
With the improvement of living standards and the acceleration rhythm of life has encouraged more development of fast food consumption. Currently, fast food is increasingly being accepted by all, and gradually integrated into people’s lives in China.…
Engelman, Robert & LeRoy, Pamela, 1995: Sustaining Water: an update. Population Action International, Washington DC.…