Second hand smoke in the workplace has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and lung cancer among non-smokers. By placing restrictions on smoking at work, that protects non-smokers from second hand smoke and also helps encourage those who do smoke to quit. I believe that there should be a ban put in the workplace when it comes to smoking. I know that when I go to work I do not want to show up to the smell of smoke, and leave to go home smelling like smoke. If I was to walk into work where people were smoking I would feel as if I could not breathe or work because of the
Second hand smoke in the workplace has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and lung cancer among non-smokers. By placing restrictions on smoking at work, that protects non-smokers from second hand smoke and also helps encourage those who do smoke to quit. I believe that there should be a ban put in the workplace when it comes to smoking. I know that when I go to work I do not want to show up to the smell of smoke, and leave to go home smelling like smoke. If I was to walk into work where people were smoking I would feel as if I could not breathe or work because of the