There are several risk factors that are known to have an effect on and increase the associated risk of cancer. Healthcare experts advised that individuals take steps to manage their risk by making necessary alterations to life style and behavior that can help decrease their risk of developing many forms of cancer. The National Cancer Institute has reported that some of the most commonly known cancer risk factors include: advancing age (getting older), …show more content…
Just like many other diseases, cancer is most efficiently fought when discovered and addressed early so preventative steps and age-appropriate screenings are important.
Tobacco use is one of the major causes of cancer. Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Nearly half a million people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses. Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of developing different kinds of cancer (including cancer of the mouth, lung, larynx, mouth, bladder, kidney, stomach, pancreas, cervix, and esophagus. In addition to reducing your risk of certain cancers, quitting smoking will also reduce your risk of having a heart attack.
Unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays has been shown to increase the risk for melanoma (skin cancer). The sun's UV rays have also been shown to cause skin damage and premature aging. Health experts recommend avoiding exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. It is recommended that when participating in outdoor activities individuals wear clothing (ideally long sleeve, long pants) with UV protection. Sunglasses and head coverings are also recommended to protect the eyes and head. UV rays can continue to present a danger even during cloudy days. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing at all times when …show more content…
Some genes that are predisposed to cancer may be passed from parent to child. If you are concerned about your family history, it is important to talk to your doctor about prevention and screenings for early detection.
Excessive use of alcohol over an extended period of time can increase your risk of cancer. Experts recommend women drink no more than 1 alcoholic drink per day and men should not indulge in more than 2 alcoholic beverages per day; Drinking more than these amounts in considered excessive. The combination of alcohol use and tobacco use can increase the risk of cancer.
Diet and physical activity have been linked to cancer risk. Doctors now know that a poor diet high in fatty foods as well as being overweight can increase the risk of certain cancers such as: colon, uterus, and prostate cancer. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber can help reduce the risk of cancer. Lack of exercise and physical activity as well as being overweight may increase the risk of breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, and uterus cancer. Experts recommend that children get 60 minutes of moderate physical activity each day and adults should participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least 5 days each