Student Response Systems are wireless systems that provide lecturers with the ability to actively engage students in the classroom. They work by providing students with a personal response unit, which students subsequently use to respond to questions posed during the lecture.
The dependency of current Student Response Systems on personal
response units is less than desirable. As class sizes increase, supplying sucent devices can become expensive. This project investigates the feasability of creating an SMS-based
Student Response System that is extendable and exposes its functionality over HTTP.
This is achieved by developing a prototype system that satises the above objective.
Analysis of the system reveals that it can be implemented at a low cost and that it can help provide lecturers with realtime feedback with regard to areas that students may be struggling with.
Load tests reveal that the system is more than capable of being used
in an academic environment. It can therefore be concluded that an SMS-based Student
Response System is both feasible and benecial to students and lecturers alike.
ACM Computing Classication System Classication
Thesis classication under the ACM Computing Classication System (1998 version, valid through 2012):
C.2.1 [Network Architecture and Design]:
H.2.1 [Logical Design]:
Data Models
H.3.5 [Online Information Services]:
Web-based services
K.3.1 [Computer Uses in Education]:
General Terms:
Centralized networks
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
Web-based API, SMS Gateway, Global System for Mobile communi-
cation (GSM), AT Commands, Automation
I would like to acknowledge the nancial and technical support of Telkom, Tellabs,
Stortech, Genband, Easttel, Bright Ideas 39 and THRIP through the Telkom Centre of Excellence in the Department of Computer Science at Rhodes University.
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