Author: Bryan Adams Layosa
Introduction In this century of computer generation, many organizations rely on fast delivery of information using latest technologies that would allow them to be more productive and efficient. There are many ways in sending messages nowadays and that is by using E-mail services or by using Mobile Technologies. Like in school, Bulletin Boards or sometimes word of mouth are the method use in delivering a message to the student and faculty but sometimes the student or others does not received the messages because they don’t read the bulletin board often or the information is really failed in reaching them. Sending information in a large amount of people using E-mail requires a lot of work and sometimes the information that needs urgent response does not always received. The culprit of that is because people are not always able to check their E-mail. On the other hand, mobile technology is one of the most effective ways in sending and receiving messages as fast as possible. Because almost all people in the world has their own cellular phone and they usually have them always. The delivery of the messages using this medium is more ideal and efficient in sending messages in large amount of people. Universal SMS Broadcast System is a system that can send mobile messages in large quantity of people using a GSM modem or using an SMPP Protocol. Universal SMS Broadcast System aims to help large scale organization to deliver their messages to their clients, students and other persons involve in the organization in fast and efficient way.
1. Large Scale to Small Scale organization
2. Schools and Universities
1. To help a school and large scale organization for notifying large quantity of people in more efficient and faster way.
2. To help the staffs and professors to notify their students about class cancellation and other events that need to be deliver urgently.