Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 2(1), 113-124.
The Development of a SMS-based
Teaching and Learning System
Simon So
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Abstract: The short message service (SMS) technology is one of the most stable mobile technologies around. Most of our tertiary students carry mobile phones with SMS facilities and can be used for teaching and learning. There are many projects of using SMS technologies in education as outlined in the literature review, but many publications do not provide the possible underlying technologies to implement such the teaching and learning systems. In this paper, the development of a SMS-based teaching and learning system is presented. The underlying technology of using
GSM modems to build the SMS-based teaching and learning system is revealed. The system is capable of supporting administrative, teaching and learning activities via the SMS technology.
Examples of various activities such as brainstorming, voting, and assessment activities supported by the system are illustrated.
Keywords: Short Message Services (SMS), e-Learning / m-Learning, GPRS/GSM
1. Introduction
In a key-note speech of mLearn 2007,
Charlie Schick of Nokia pointed out that the majority of people who own mobile phones only has the basic features (Schick, 2007). We cannot assume learners all carry multimediarich mobile phones, PDAs, UMPCs, netbooks, or notebooks. What we can assume is that most learners such as tertiary students in developing and developed countries only carry basic mobile phones for voice and SMS communication.
Therefore, when we consider ubiquitous access
(other than Web-based access) to teaching and learning for our students, we must employ basic and trusted technologies such as SMS to connect with our students. This is the guiding principle of this research.
Volume 2, No. 1,
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