(Book ID:B1621)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Name: Amit Kumar Mishra
Roll No. 1208012032
Q1. Explain strategy as an organizational process.
Answer –
Strategy is concerned with deciding the nature, domain and scope of an organisation‘s activities (essentially, what it is like, its values, the areas it covers and the direction it is going in), and the way its success will be evaluated. The pattern of activities in strategy arises from the acquisition, allocation and commitment of a set of resources and capabilities by the organisation, in an effective match with the challenges of its environment, and from the management of the network of relationships with and between stakeholders. Strategic planning is vital to ensure that your organisation follows the most effective course towards its mission. Animal protection societies are bombarded with an increasingly wide and complex set of demands, and can easily become reduced to reactive ‗fire-fighting‘ organisations. This invariable slows down progress towards mission.
What Constitutes a Strategy?
Strategy can combine some or all of the below factors: -
Vision- A realistic, credible, attractive future for your organization,
Mission Statement - A declaration of an organization‘s purpose;
Core Values - Organisation (Core) Values are enduring beliefs that your organisation, and the people who inhabit it, hold in common and endeavor to put into action. Core values guide your organisation‘s board, staff and volunteers in performing their work.
Goals and Objectives - Quality of service delivery is more likely to be achieved under role culture, whereas successful campaigning is more likely under task culture. A power or task culture is more appropriate for growth goals.
Critical Success Factors – what the