If you are familiar with the platform, you know that normally, individually sent snaps expire after they’ve been viewed just once unless you allow them to be replayed an additional time by the recipient, while snaps added to your “story” expire after 24 hours. Beginning May 9th these restrictions have been morphed into what they call “limitless” snaps.
The creator decides whether or not to make the photo snap limitless by choosing “infinity” in the timer section that used to only list an interval anywhere between one and ten seconds, in which
case the receiver will continue to see the image until they decide to close it, at which time it will be deleted. Similarly, video snaps have an “infinite loop” option which mean the video will be looped over until the receiver closes it if it is an individually sent snap, or will loop over and over until the receiver taps to view the next snap in a “story”. This feature is great for brands using the platform as it allows you to send a more complex idea across that may take a longer view to understand, but keep in mind you still want your messages to be concise and more importantly, entertaining.
They have also expanded creativity options by adding a Magic Eraser tool that they nested under the scissor tool making it easy to erase parts of your image, albeit not as perfectly as you might in Photoshop, and also by adding the ability to draw emojis using the Doodle tool instead of placing them individually.
With over one million snaps created and sent every day, you want to make sure that yours stand out, so keeping up to date on the newest features and finding creative ways to implement them is a great we to create a positive brand experience with your customers. Plus, it’s a quick, easy way to make short, social-media-friendly video content that can be repurposed for other platforms.
You can view Snapchat’s post about this update here: