Cast of Characters:
Katleen as the Narrator
Raven as Snow Black
Yzella as Doraemon
Roiza as Nobisuke
Alyssa as Nobita
Girlie as Shizuka
Rosemarie as Zuneyo
Dulce as Mother of Nobita
Fatima as Father of Nobita
Joyce, Anjenette, Camille, Roselyn, Jennifer, Ally and Kim as the Princesses
Scene 1: In the room of Nobita and Doraemon
Narrator: Today is Saturday and as usual, Nobita spends his time reading his favorite comic book while Doraemon is busy eating his favorite doriyaki.
Yze: Nobita have you finish your assignment? You’re already reading there. If mom caught you, for sure you will be scolded.
Alyssa: Do not worry Doraemon. Just accompany me and I will ask permission from mom and dad because Shizuka told me that we will read a storybook at the park. Come with me.
Yze: Do I have a choice?
Scene 2: In the dining area
Narrator: While eating, mom saw Doraemon in front of him then Nobita came in a hurry.
Dulce: Oh Doraemon do you need something?
Alyssa: It’s me mom. We will just go at the park.
Dulce: Have you finished your homework? Do it first.
Alyssa: Mom I will do it later. Thanks! Bye!
Dulce: Why is your son like that?
Fatima: Why are you asking me that question? He is also your son.
Dulce: Urgh! Nevermind!
Scene 3: At the park
Narrator: Doraemon and Nobita came late at the park and they saw their friends in the middle of reading.
Rose: Look! Nobita and Doraemon are coming. As usual, they’re late.
Girlie: I thought you wouldn’t come.
Alyssa: Sorry. Hmm.. by the way, Doraemon is with me.
Rose: Yeah we see.
Yze: So what are you reading there?
Girlie: I have here Snow Black and the 7 Princesses.
Rose: We’ve been waiting for you for a long time. We are already in the middle part.
Alyssa: Sounds weird. I only know Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.
Roiza: Oh yes. That is a story based on Snow White and