The movie version of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is very different from the book because of the minimal attention the film gives to the practice of footbinding. In Lisa See’s novel this tradition of footbinding is an extremely important process of a girl’s life. A small foot on a woman is a beautiful woman in nineteenth-century China. Footbinding was a sign of wealth back then and the more beautiful a mother could make her daughter the more marriageable her daughter would become. The footbinding process is a long and drawn out process that starts at an early age of a girl’s life and impacts a girl’s early, middle, and late stages of their life.
A mother began the footbinding process in the early childhood stage of her daughter’s life. In Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Lily had her feet examined by the diviner and a matchmaker where she was then told how perfect her feet could potentially be. Lily was paired with a laotong, or “old sames” to better her in the future. "A laotong match is as significant as a good marriage," Lily 's aunt explained. The footbing process began for Lily …show more content…
Women who have their footbinded have a hard time walking long distances and walking for a long period of time. Footbinding makes it impossible for a woman to get around by herself. The Taiping uprising affected many women who were footbinded as they had to trek months through the cold mountain areas on their feet. This was extremely difficult for women as their feet could not sustain the long distance journeys they were sent on. One of the Taiping Rebellions goals was to put an end to foot binding. The Taiping Rebellion was an extremely bloody battle where 20 million people died. Lily at the end of the novel is an 80 year old woman who still is still faced with everyday challenges from having her feet bound