First of all, the biggest difference between the classic version and original version is the character of Snow White. Snow White is originally still seven years old while she is often considered over fifteen years old. Therefore, there are some doubts coming up toward the fact, such why the queen abhors Snow White as much as she wanted kill her and what makes her jealous of seven years old girl's beauty. The part was revised because it's easier for readers to accept that a step-mother with ugly mind wants to kill grown-up princess, and it makes fewer cruelties. However, according to the time period that the original version was written, I assume that the original version was portrayed the middle century of Europe. Considering the era, the society had still male chauvinism over children and women, and children were included into labor force. Thus, the original story might want to explain that the conflict of a family relationship which a wife was hard on man and then the stress was always dissolved by targeting children to abuse.
At second, according to the original version, it is hard to consider the prince as the real hero for Snow White because there is no romantic moment to rescue Snow White by the Prince. In the Disney version, after Snow White was dead because of a poisoned apple, she was lying like sleeping in a glass made coffin which seven dwarfs prepared for her, and as the prince walked by and kissed her, she spited out the piece of the apple and woke up. However, in the original version, prince actually asked dwarfs