Paul Harvey’s writing is repetitive from the get go with his phrase “So God made a Farmer”, at the end of each paragraph. Harvey’s repetition is keying at the idea of religion. “So God made a Farmer”, is referencing the fact that farmers are a gift of …show more content…
He is bringing up juxtaposition again as an overall theme that this lifestyle of agriculture is humble that it brings no riches but the satisfaction of understanding that a farmer is the chosen one. “ I need somebody willing to sit up all night sit a newborn colt, and watch it die, and dry his eyes and say maybe next year”, this quote is so detailed that it instantly brings up an image in the reader's mind. So far from reality, but obviously a personal story that is intriguing and motivational and meek. Harvey gives the reader not only a glimpse of the lifestyle of agriculture through his specific words, but a clear image of what is in the future for the future farmers of America. Agriculture is more than just farming and Harvey makes that pretty clear in his speech; that not only do you raise a farm but a family and hold the traits of a perfect man. His message is clear showing through his descriptive details, word choice, and powerful imagery the culture or