This extra credit project is to replace your lowest exam score for the semester…. Not your final exam score.
You are to compose a paper on a therapeutic modality. Ideally it should be one we have covered in class. Be sure to check with me about your specific topic
****If you wish to research an additional modality, please talk with me first.
The paper is voluntary and there will be no points deducted from any exam. However is your paper is graded below your lowest exam no points will be awarded.
The guidelines for the paper are as follows
Length; 3-5 pages, doubled spaced, size 12 font, Century, Cambria or Calibri font.
2” top margin for first page, 1.5 “ rest of paper; 1” side margins; 1” bottom margin
(please try to print double sided)
Citation style will be the American Medical Association style
Grammar, spelling and syntax will be expected to be correct.
Content should include the following as well as your own input / viewpoints:
Definition of modality
History of modality
Who invented it?
Where first used?
Progression of modality
Medical significance
What is the theory of the modality?
How does it affect tissue?
How is it used?
What is the delivery mechanism(s)?
What and why is it used?
Who can use it?
Indications for use
Counter indications for use
Future of modality
The paper is due before or at the final exam. Date---Monday 12/17@ 8:00am